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Unban Request [-hg-]Hikura


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1. Your in-game name: [-hg-] Hikura

2. Server that you were banned on: [HG] JAILBREAK #1 - HeLLsGamers.com

3. The Banning admin: Unknown

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:0:22160045

5. Reason for ban: A random spout of racism, not aimed at anyone.


I dunno why i did it. ill keep my racism to myself next time. I'm not to racist in general.

Sorry to anyone that has been offended


I couldn't find myself of the global ban list, searched for my steam id and everything else

I think i might have been perm banned, if i'm not ill wait it out, ill take my punishment.

However if i got perm banned for one word, and being an active member, i think that's a little harsh.


Thank you

Edited by Dirty
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I gave you a one day ban. I did say in (all) chat racism including racial slurs is not tolerated.


Oh alright thanks for the leniency.


You say ur an active member but you say perm is harsh for one word

apparently you dont know how any people have been permed for racism

i feel since you are hg recruit you should have known better

alot better


wow wow, no need to pound down the harsh hammer, i said sorry, i know the rules i just decided not to

follow them, and yea i know they get perm banned thats why i came here to see if i was.

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