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banned for acidental free kill please unbann


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in game name: Cap n morgan

server: Jail break

admin: juicy

steam id: 0:1:25311013

story: i had ben down stairs making somthing to eat while i waited for respawn, i come up stairs and im alive as ct. the ts were commanded to go to pool while playing evil simon says, i had just got on the scene. juicy was moving around in the pool while 10 others were not, i figured 1 guy out of ten doing something different must have done something wrong so i shot juicy, turns out he was the one who did the trick command right. so what do i do, i say im sorry and slay my self, but juicy tells me to gtfo and in the next second im banned.


okay i know i dont have a screen shot but thats because im new to the forums and didnt know it was needed, i quited css as soon as i was banned so i could make an account to report this, and then when i read the rules my heart skipped a beat T_T


please i dont want any admin to be removed or anything, im just a regular at HG jail and its the only jail sever i play at. i wasnt a a frequint free killer and i only killed juicy by mistake once, i just want to be unbanned as ive waited for a hour or so and im still banned, and it has that STEAM ID SO ON SO FORTH IS BANNED FROM THIS SEVER, so im scared that he perma'd me.


i swear your hearing the hole truth and ide like it if an admin would hear me out even though i lack a pic or chat log :(

Edited by deathrisk
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1. Always check before you go and kill people, Especially if it's an admin, Cause some guys are nablets and have 0 tolerance.

2. If this is true, Juicy man lay of on the ban hammer, He slayed him self and apoligized.

3. It's most likely not a perm ban, or 1 week, If it is you'll most likely be unbanned

4. Also joey, next time you post a rsponse perhaps read the god damm report

Edited by 3D
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Overall your a very bad CT, Ive been getting a lot of complaints from your freekilling/shooting and was willing to let it slide for yesterday and today. But your "accident" really pissed me off and you have been freeshooting other people just for the heck of it it seems.


You will be unbanned only because your niceness of coming here and complaining, I give the authorization. but next time, don't shoot someone unless you know for sure whats going on.

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im still banned as i check that morning and that was for Lr cheating, i had only killed 3 people by free kill on acident that day, often time the command would be to freeze and i would catch them moving, so i would shoot them, then because no one saw they claimed i free killed.

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