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Ban Details
This ban is not currently active.
It is disapproved. Disapproved    It has expired. Passed
Ban CategoryRegular Ban
  View Steam Community Profile for 0:9896849Subject Steam ID  Lookup other bans for 0:98968490:9896849
Subject Name  Lookup other bans for Don bingcockDon bingcock
By  Lookup other bans by 20178 Frank
Server (And Mod)  WebWeb
Datetime Added  (138mon 3wk 1d 32m ago)2014-07-21 04:32 AM
Duration  (Inactive)  (Passed)2 hours
138mon 3wk 1d 32m ago | 2014-07-21 04:32 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Frank
Friend of HG
Alright near the end of this demo just get to near the end and start playing when you see me mikey and joe raiding subs 1. cops camp waiting for us to raid 2. don bingcock breaks rule 19 3. henry the admin are arguing with us about us breaking the raid timer etc etc while he's arguing with me don bingcock shots me in the head right infront of him. He rdm'd me and my org members he broke rule 19. and rdm'd

wttttf.dem (11.23 MB) Thumbnail
138mon 3wk 1d 24m ago | 2014-07-21 04:40 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Bp~
Friend of HG
you must be daft, your org was raiding
138mon 3wk 1d 16m ago | 2014-07-21 04:48 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Frank
Friend of HG
You we're breaking rule 19?
not anorg owned subs
138mon 3wk 23h 56m ago | 2014-07-21 05:08 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Bp~
Friend of HG
You said something like " can i start raiding now " so i killed you because admin had told joe rossi and you to stop also but he progressed the raid.

Then he spawned you and you loaded ANOTHER GUN like wtf ru thinking dude but then admin told me to stop, so i stopped but you didnt..

In regards to rule 19, i was based within subs and we owned all of it so I can shoot you from anywhere within the subs entrance gate

But my favorite part is at demo start where you and Joe rossi rdm the two cops at demo start

138mon 3wk 23h 25m ago | 2014-07-21 05:39 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Frank
Friend of HG
remove subs was owned all of it.
138mon 3wk 22h 18m ago | 2014-07-21 06:46 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Justin
Friend of HG
Bigpock shouldn't have killed you but you were revived and a moderator spoke with Bigpock about it. As for killing cops like that it is sort of an unwritten rule whether cops are threats just being within the presence of the property or if they actually have to have a weapon in their hand. This issue will be discussed within the next day or two. Disapproved.
138mon 3wk 22h ago | 2014-07-21 07:04 AM Justin locked thread
138mon 3wk 22h ago | 2014-07-21 07:04 AM Justin disapproved ban

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