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Ban Details
This ban is not currently active.
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Ban CategoryRegular Ban
  View Steam Community Profile for 1:25179945Subject Steam ID  Lookup other bans for 1:251799451:25179945
Subject Name  Lookup other bans for (Empty) - HG Crackhouse DM Server(Empty) - HG Crackhouse DM Server
By  Lookup other bans by 11793 jades
Server (And Mod)  WebWeb
Datetime Added  (115mon 3wk 12h 4m ago)2015-07-03 09:00 PM
Duration  (Inactive)  (Passed)2 hours
115mon 3wk 12h 4m ago | 2015-07-03 09:00 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by jades
Friend of HG
Map: cs_crackhouse_hg_a2

Description: Now, I cannot say this is a ban request. I will leave it for the admins to decide. This player "(empty)" shoots a person, immediately kills himself and joins back in the same team.

Now, on the outset, this looks like it is his choice to do so. He doesn't care about points. But, by doing this, what happens is that he gets 25 points for every top order kill and thus, I believe, may be manipulating the points system. I mean, a person kills someone, immediately suicides and then keeps doing this all over again.

I do not know if this is "ban"nable. If he's allowed to do this, then fine. But if not, and if he needs to be banned, what category would that be? Spamming?

I have attached screenshots where he has the highest number of suicides, and 5 examples of his gameplay. If you look at his HG profile, this guy is general of the army, and I do not see a reason why he keeps doing this kind of gameplay.

If you notice empty6.dem, you will see him suiciding after killing someone. The other demos are to illustrate his gameplay.

I have also attached screenshots of his profile in HG.


This is a peculiar case. I would like to know the admin's take on this.

empty4.dem (346 KB) empty6.dem (654 KB) empty3.dem (557 KB) empty5.dem (968 KB) empty2.dem (796 KB) Thumbnail Thumbnail
115mon 3wk 8h 41m ago | 2015-07-04 12:23 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by jades
Friend of HG
I have attached screenshots with this thread regarding the chat with this player. He has mentioned that he does this because he wants to (and I quote), "fuck with people who try to get high scores". Isn't this detrimental to the server. If this person keeps doing this, and targets all the high scoring players, they will not see the point in playing on this server. This is just my opinion. This player also claims he has been reported before and admins are ok with this "points leeching".

There is another face for this argument. A person could say "he is just like a new guy into the server. If he kills you, he gets more points, if you get him, you get less. What's the difference?". Well, the difference is that, this kind of points leeching is on purpose. The player himself is not profited out of this, but this player is making sure others are losing, which considering his mindset, he feels that he is winning. You know, sometimes, I dont think killing is the only way to win.

In my opinion, this player is the same as a player who "flashes" their own team mates. (Assume flash nades are allowed). Wouldn't the admins ban such a guy who flashes their own team mates? Sure, it's his flash nade and he can throw it whenever he wants. Nothing wrong in it. But wouldn't the admins ban that player? Don't we see a similarity here? He gets the feeling of winning by leeching other people's points.

But again, I will leave it to the admins.

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115mon 3wk 8h 41m ago | 2015-07-04 12:23 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by jades
Friend of HG
Waiting for admins' take on this
115mon 3wk 4h 18m ago | 2015-07-04 04:46 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by DIAMELO
HG Veteran

This player was brought up before here http://hellsgamers.com/hgbans.php?i=154799-saday89 and like in that report I don't see much of a problem with what he is doing. He is not benefiting from doing it and the people he kills will lose points when anyone else kills them. This is actually the reason we decided to make suicide penalties for every time someone kills them self, they just lose points.
115mon 3wk 4h 17m ago | 2015-07-04 04:46 AM DIAMELO locked thread
115mon 3wk 4h 17m ago | 2015-07-04 04:46 AM DIAMELO disapproved ban

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