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Ban CategoryRegular Ban
  View Steam Community Profile for 0:341179Subject Steam ID  Lookup other bans for 0:3411790:341179
Subject Name  Lookup other bans for [HG] JaX LEGEND[HG] JaX LEGEND
By  Lookup other bans by 12345 Robin
Server (And Mod)  WebWeb
Datetime Added  (150mon 2wk 3d 7h 18m ago)2012-12-15 08:38 PM
Duration  (Inactive)  (Passed)3 days
150mon 2wk 3d 7h 18m ago | 2012-12-15 08:38 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Robin
Friend of HG
On roof of chop shop unowned and below is "Limited" raiding.



Demo is attached. Skip to the end to see these events unfold.
150mon 2wk 3d 7h 7m ago | 2012-12-15 08:49 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Gravity Kitteh
Friend of HG
I have also seen jax RDM today and abusing respawn as a mod. My demo doesnt work though ( I had someone test it for me too)

He started talking shit to me over admin chat after we raided him and





I will upload a demo with bandicam later, these screenshots doesnt really tell what happend. But basicly I raided him and his friends and he died. He then respawned himself, came back and tried to CDM me so I killed him again and then he respawns himself once more.
150mon 2wk 3d 4h 48m ago | 2012-12-15 11:07 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by tyler the creator911
Friend of HG
also he got flown up to a pillar on the sky scraper and killed the mayor with a deagle,, and mafia blessing was raiding them he killed jax and kax then respaned himself right after he died
150mon 2wk 3d 4h 42m ago | 2012-12-15 11:13 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by deadman6
Friend of HG
saw some RDMs of him to and he is moderator need to do somthing about it and btw gravity can you tell me when they look for mods or admin?
150mon 2wk 3d 3h 34m ago | 2012-12-16 12:22 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by eclipse
HG Member

Jax did infact respawn himself, a few times.

However, it was taken care of by enigma#.

Should be locked.

However the rdm's need to have good explanation or a review.
150mon 2wk 3d 1h 37m ago | 2012-12-16 02:18 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by JaX
Friend of HG

1) you were told not to prop climb several times. I could have just kicked you but as you and your pals were raiding us.. again ( 3rd time in less then 15 minutes ) I treated you no different then what your friends got. You were on the roof of the place i owned...( i owned both A and B shops in industrial ) and now its 3v1. I shot you 1st. So lets get this straight..your loitering..running back and forth on our roof..Start a demo.. let your friends raid (again ) and get upset when i shoot you? You were up there for a long time boss.YOU WERE THERE WHEN I LEFT!.i told you to get down several times. is it not prop climbing?Loitering?..Just like when i busted you for prop climbing/stacking ontop of another person to get ontop of loft door then into the back roof of pentHouse.. Cmon..Im nice enough not to report you or kick you from the server..

I see i need to play this like you all do..Just demo you and report everything i see..Might as well change my name to chewbaka.

Grav... funny you didnt show where i was afk with a fizz gun in hand and you admitted to shooting me after i re-spawned. I was working with props and yes had plants growing. I had to deal with something IRL so i was afk for a few minutes.. when i return im laying there hurt.... No ones saying a word in game or in ts3.I I didnt see or hear anyone when i returned.. I re-spawned thinking i killed myself with a prop which i do from time to time.. i come back and i didnt try to cdm you..i was driving back to where i was and before i got the chance to get out of the car you shoot me again..( then you say were raiding ) I was afk when i was shot..UNarmed. hell i was motionless you could have gone in and took whatever you wanted..but to sit there and say " you had a gun JaX and i shot you " is total bull..

we start to argue in admin chat because i didnt know what happened. PRIME was witness to this and told us to stop arguing.

Another note. Notice all complaints were from Members of Limitless..Gravity i asked you several times to control your org members. You replied with "IF I SEE IT ILL DEAL WITH IT " and INB4 JaX loses mod..Prime said ( don't make me start admining )

Yet you stand there and watch your org members cdm and rdm at will.. I yell at cheech for shooting cops,medics and random citizens and your standing there laughing..I say in OOC "cops might as well give up trying to arrest cheech.. hes going to kill you all " and there you stand..laughing it up. I walk out and chew on him some for doing that and you get offended because i yell at one of your org members.????

Theres no love loss between Boondocks and Limitless or limited.. But to sit behind a keyboard..Take a few screen shots of what im doing.. says alot about the type of person you are.. You watch your friends break rules on a regular basis and say nothing.. let me ask this..When was the last time you posted anything on one of your org members? Try doing your job with everyone..Not just against the people not in your org.

.If i was wrong for shooting people trying to enter my place then so be it..Ill take whatever punishment comes my way..But i think there should be concrete rule on how many times people can raid a place in such and such amount of time and who were allowed to shoot while defending.. I run 800x600 in Gmod. if you think i can tell the difference between an uzi and a fire ext from that far away.. think again..i see a small straight line in my inventory for coke..my pc barely runs css @ 45fps most maps..

where do you get off reporting anyone? You and 6-7 of your org members trounce us all day. non stop one raid after another. We buy a house..you molly it..we buy a shop..you dont even OWN A SHOP AND YOU STILL MOLLY OURS?? Then jetta,archer and others come in to even things up some and your friends get rolled..lemon gets kicked for rdm on 2 admins and myself.. ( as you watched him do before to others as well and said NOTHING ) and it's time to fill out ban reports??

You know...I'm a little older..I see no reason to lie about anything..But as time goes on i see there is a large need of pictures and demo's for proof that someone does wrong..As i told Enigma earlier..if Ive done wrong..Im not afraid to admit it..I did not think that me shooting someone on top of the roof of a place i owned regardless if he's 2 steps to the left or right of my property was out of line ..Fact is..he was with the same people who harassed us all day..Was told to get down and his buddies were armed and in the process of raiding. Thats why i shot him and his friend.

In the future i will start recording demo's on a regular basis.... .But take the ass whoopin like a man..Dont break rules with your friends..Do nothing about them then post a few ban reports with your buddies because the tables are turning ingame.. I don't use my admin much as i told both Enigma and Rizon..I try to allow things to play out and not interrupt game play.. Most times.. its better and confidence building to anyone who breaks a rule to stop them and explain why they can't do this or that.. Instead of punishing them outright.. As i heard earlier..its simple..Warn,kick,ban.
I try and put ( stop,yell if necessary and explain ) before those 3.

I spoke with Enigma earlier..after i killed a limitless raiding sky in elevator..Somehow..he came right back..I know i killed him because he disappeared.
I go down the elevator..and boom im dead by the same guy not 15 seconds later..I re spawn, stay in nexus and start specing to see what happened and how he broke NLR...I explained the situation to Enigma..At no time did i return or try to return to Sky or use the re-spawn for any form of advantage...You cant see if your bleeding and trying to spec. I stayed in nexus and spec'd. that was all...
I gave my word i wouldn't do it again..If im hit im hit..i will not use that anymore when it concerns myself..

Mods,Admin and Um need to have a meeting..Im going to write down a few things to bring up during the meeting..like what qualifies as douche baggery?
i think people prop climbing yelling insults to not only other members but mods,raiding 3 times in less then 15 min and following them around a server
just to molly anything you have cars,house,shop etc SHOULD fall under that..
150mon 2wk 3d 45m ago | 2012-12-16 03:10 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Gravity Kitteh
Friend of HG
I dont let anyone RDM, not org members, not other mods, not anyone. I dont put a lot of reports either Jax, this is the only one I've done in like forever and I did it becasue it was needed.

I dont have to say anything else. We've talked in TS and he knows he did wrong, I can probably fix that demo still if its needed but uploading bandicam demos take forever.
150mon 2wk 2d 22h 14m ago | 2012-12-16 05:42 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Robin
Friend of HG

I am in limitless not limited. They were raiding you I was not. I was on chop shop not on Shop A nor B as I can recall. If I was on your shop roof, you need to give me a warning to leave. Also, I did to prop climb to get onto chop shop.

" if you think i can tell the difference between an uzi and a fire ext from that far away" My characters model is messed up so the fire extinguisher lays vertical which makes it not look as a fire extinguisher normally looks like (holding a Uzi).
150mon 2wk 1d 14h 18m ago | 2012-12-17 01:38 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Rizon
HG Member

To be honest, the disrespect is ridiculous JaX, Your better than that and use some god damn self control. You're spawning yourself constantly and it's point blank.

Also Chop shop, you can LEGITly get on there and protect your base, but he was using that to raid then i do see where your coming from. but some of your actions could have bee played out better. and I want you to think about that.

Temp'd for 3 days. Use your MOD correctly and come find me when possible.
150mon 2wk 1d 14h 17m ago | 2012-12-17 01:38 PM Rizon approved ban
150mon 2wk 1d 14h 17m ago | 2012-12-17 01:38 PM Rizon changed ban duration from 2h [7200 seconds] to 3d [259200 seconds]
150mon 2wk 1d 14h 17m ago | 2012-12-17 01:38 PM Rizon locked thread
150mon 2wk 20h 41m ago | 2012-12-18 07:15 AM Rizon disapproved ban

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