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Ban Details
This ban is not currently active.
It is disapproved. Disapproved
Ban CategoryRegular Ban
  View Steam Community Profile for 0:90777007Subject Steam ID  Lookup other bans for 0:907770070:90777007
Subject Name  Lookup other bans for [ISFYLG]HenchmanAce[ISFYLG]HenchmanAce
By  Lookup other bans by 0:13800814HG | Kigen
Server (And Mod)  Gmod[HG] 24/7 Zombie Survival! | FastDL | Ryzen Powered
Datetime Added  (39mon 2h 25m ago)2021-05-22 06:25 PM
Duration  (Inactive)Permanent
39mon 2h 25m ago | 2021-05-22 06:25 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by HG | Kigen
39mon 2h 22m ago | 2021-05-22 06:27 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by HenchmanAce
Friend of HG
Proof? I'll be happy to post a proper response once evidence is posted
39mon 2h 14m ago | 2021-05-22 06:35 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Kigen
Executive Council

L 05/22/2021 - 18:21:48: [ISFYLG]HenchmanAce (STEAM_0:0:90777007): Oh noes! I dropped my aegis, and it's landed in a weird pattern
L 05/22/2021 - 18:21:58: "MIL260<31><STEAM_0:1:171159953><Team>" say "<trollface>"
L 05/22/2021 - 18:22:02: [ISFYLG]HenchmanAce (STEAM_0:0:90777007): it looks like it spells something, but what does it spell???
L 05/22/2021 - 18:22:11: Decay (STEAM_0:0:146648411): lol hench
L 05/22/2021 - 18:22:15: [ISFYLG]HenchmanAce (STEAM_0:0:90777007): WHAT DOES MY AEGIS SPELL?????????????????????

39mon 1h 50m ago | 2021-05-22 06:59 PM Kigen approved ban
38mon 3wk 6d 18h 15m ago | 2021-05-23 02:34 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by HenchmanAce
Friend of HG
Pardon me for the delay. I hope you read whole thing, as I speak for your player base both former and whatever's left.

I could have handled this reply a lot differently, I could have been totally non-serious about it, I could have posted the Navy Seal "What the fuck did you just say about me you little shit" copy pasta or the entire Bee Movie script but I'm not gonna do that here. I'm saving that for a forum post. I'll be totally serious and sincere here.

I've been a longtime regular on HG. I first joined in October or November 2014 right after I got Gmod (HG might have been my first gmod multiplayer server ever, not sure tho), and I became a regular in the second half of 2015. In that time I have had a perfect disciplinary record, no bans, no pmutes, no zlocks, no pgags, nothing. I've contributed a fair bit with my cading in survival and leadership skills in OBJ. This is actually my first punishment on here. HG ZS served as an escape, and it brings me back to the good old days of my high school career, days that I will forever cherish for reasons that aren't strictly related to Gmod or gaming at all. If you know me, I never caused trouble or did anything to break the rules. So why would I tarnish this squeaky clean reputation and throw all these memories away? Had I been a year or two older, maybe I would have been mature enough to just leave instead of making that aegis board sign? (Tho you gotta admit it was pretty clever)

It didn't have to go this way. If the council, and higher ups would have given a shit from the start, none of this would have happened. HG would have overtaken SunRust and maybe NoxiousNet back when that was a thing. But instead, HG ZS is on life support right now. I wanna make it clear that I don't have any personal problems with pretty much anyone here (that is anyone that's left). While I didn't always approve of everything he did, Lynxx was always nice to me and the people that I talked to. I hope that while you have to do what you have to do, that you won't hold this against me bro. Same thing with Banshee, very nice, very supportive. My interactions with Kenny have also always been nothing but good. Kigen, Eddie, with the exception of today, I've also only had good interactions with you guys. (Tho I can perfectly understand why you guys are banned from Midnight)

The problems lie in the council and higher ups. The council and upper management have treated HG ZS like a neglected child, an abandoned puppy. They did nothing to truly get involved with ZS or integrate it with the rest of HG, and instead passively gave stupid orders and restrictions (like the NDA, and the fact that you didn't let the the devs have coloured tags/names, these are just small examples), pointlessly overruled reasonable and valid decisions (such as certain update plans, and bans), and shot down pretty almost every good idea that the devs and ZS staff had. You pointlessly also banned people like QuiQuenrique (he was not using aimbot), pointlessly demoted people like McLovin citing dumb and false shit like "his events were bringing down server pop" which no they weren't, they did the exact opposite and usually maxed the player cap but then it took you months to get him to take action(that you could have taken) against another problematic player, you guys also told him to stop holding as many events which, his events were the things that helped, in 2020, bring HG back to the peaks it saw in 2015/2016. Then you guys decided to unban sex offenders like Old Bill and pedophiles like Stemed Hems, because "there was no evidence". I want you to think of the consequences of what would happen if you let someone who is a known pedo go on your server, and then they went off and successfully groomed and assaulted a minor. HG would potentially be subject to an FBI investigation. The whole network would be done, not just a server. You let problematic and toxic players bully, harras, and even frame your staff and devs, and then told those staff and devs to "handle it", but then overruled or forbade them from taking action against those players. Who the fuck lets players get away with bullying their server's staff and devs? You limited the devs' creative freedom to the point where there was no point of them really doing much. You also silenced people that criticized you, and drove away staff and devs because they didn't agree with your decisions. This isn't communist China. Kigen, you also banned Nox's whole Steam group back in the day, with all due respect, that's just immature. You have never been consistent with the upkeep of your procedures or rules. You've demoted staff before for not following protocols exactly to the letter but then forced staff to respond to bogus staff abuse reports with no evidence posted. A bunch of your own staff have also, under your instruction, permgagged or outright banned people for saying the n-word once when the staff guide literally says "warn first, then punish". Gagging someone for a round is punishment, not warning. I have also heard unverified rumors that Silly had been verbally abusive towards devs and staff. If this is the case, you should either discipline him so that he never does it again, or kick him off the council outright. The choice is yours. You've made all these decisions and overrulings even though none of you ever played Garry's Mod, let alone ZS, up until this shitstorm that hit you. These problems have been going on since ZS first opened in 2013, and now 8 years later, they culminated in this unfortunate mess. Eddie, I appreciate that you now play ZS, but it's too little too late. Also, AFK maining doesn't count. You should have started playing 8 years ago when Pho started developing. Eddie, you've made me laugh a few times, so don't take this personal brother.

Now let me rip into the network's structure. Your admin structure is so convoluted and complicated for no reason. This is a fucking gaming network, not Microsoft. You don't need a marketing team, nor do you need a board of directors, or a council's advisory board, all of whom have also had a word on what ZS could and could not do despite the fact that most of them never owned Gmod in their life and are about as useful as a paper maché bomb shelter. You guys also hold so much to all of these weird procedures that MUST be followed to the letter. Again, this is Garry's Mod, not fucking rocket science. These procedures are unneeded for the most part. Another thing to address is your dumbass NDA. I hope you know that every single one of your staff who ever signed that thing used a fake name, fake info, and a fake signature right? Also, if you're not in California, that's not even legally enforceable. Not in the other 49 US states, not in Canada, not in Europe, nowhere. It's not needed. Last thing to address is how anal you guys are about the rules, especially the n-word. I'm not a big fan of breaking rules or racism myself. But if you treat it with such seriousness and put that word on such a high pedestal, you'll only get a bunch of trolls spamming it all the time. You need to relax with that a bit.

Last point, your reaction to this situation. Hopping on the Gmod discord and getting on HG ZS is good, but it's too late. The damage is done. This could have been averted if you had only joined and gotten more involved and stopped being a pain for the devs/staff only 1 year prior. You guys in my opinion were alright during that 2 and a half hour meeting you had a few nights ago, tho Uchilia and silly were being a bit disrespectful during that whole thing. Next is the DMCA. You know ZS is open source right? Maps, code, content, everything. You also know that HG doesn't employ its devs, it commissions them so the devs don't give up intellectual property. So not only will Midnight not get blacklisted, but your little DMCA was bound to fail from its inception. And considering that Pho never gave up his code's intellectual property, he can use it all he wants anywhere and he actually has more ground to DMCA strike HG ZS (tho i don't think that's possible either). At this point the HG network has lost about 1/3rd of their members and donors, and HG ZS has lost 80% of its player base. You guys permanently banned like half of your player base including myself. You've banned people for genuienly asking what the incentive to stay on HG ZS is, which is a perfectly valid question all things considered. You've been banning people for uttering the word "midnight" regardless of context. Your damage control isn't working. You're left with a broken server, a half ass repaired discord server, and a fraction of the player base you had before. HG's biggest money making server is now probably unprofitable of just breaking even. And ultimately, with the stuff you've been saying in the discords, and doing on your servers, it's so obvious you're salty, panicking, and malding. I unerstand, but if you wanna fix this shit, you need to take a breather, relax, smoke a joint or have a brandy and actually think of something good.

Anyway, I don't want to see the server die. Just like how it hurts me to see businesses die, it hurts me to see servers/networks die; competition is good and options for players is also really good. I hope that you guys can turn it around, tho realistically speaking it's unlikely. I hope you guys can improve, and hopefully Homer can get more involved. Problem is, that it took THIS to finally get your guys' attention. I sincerely wish you luck, you'll need it.
38mon 3wk 6d 12h 28m ago | 2021-05-23 08:22 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Benz
Executive Council

Thank you for your insight, opinions, and thoughts. They are dually noted and valued. Take care and we hope to see you on our ZS server sometime.
38mon 3wk 6d 12h 26m ago | 2021-05-23 08:24 AM Benz locked thread
14mon 4d 20h 4m ago | 2023-04-18 12:45 AM Benz unlocked thread
14mon 4d 19h 53m ago | 2023-04-18 12:56 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by HenchmanAce
Friend of HG
Hey, so it's been nearly two years now, and I'm looking to appeal this ban. While my initial criticisms of the server and it's administration still stand, you can rest assured I'm not going to advertise troll or break any rules from now on. I had been on HG for 7 years before being banned and you guys know me and know I'm not a trouble maker, nor do I have ill intent. All future criticisms or grievances from me will be expressed from now on in a constructive manner that will hopefully only result in a positive outcome for all parties.
14mon 4d 17h 50m ago | 2023-04-18 02:59 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Decay
Server Advisor

I hope you're serious about what you said. Ban disapproved.
14mon 4d 17h 50m ago | 2023-04-18 03:00 AM Decay disapproved ban
14mon 4d 17h 49m ago | 2023-04-18 03:00 AM Decay locked thread

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