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Ban Details
This ban is not currently active.
It is disapproved. Disapproved    It has expired. Passed
Ban CategoryJB T-List
  View Steam Community Profile for 1:564280391Subject Steam ID  Lookup other bans for 1:5642803911:564280391
Subject Name  Lookup other bans for NotJoeboyNotJoeboy
By  Lookup other bans by 0:2030880[HG] KikkoMan [DC]
Server (And Mod)  WebWeb
Datetime Added  (36mon 1wk 10h ago)2021-07-16 05:44 AM
Duration  (Inactive)  (Passed)2 hours
36mon 1wk 9h 49m ago | 2021-07-16 05:55 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by KikkoMan
Friend of HG
Order was to be on the bench
Pretty sure most of those people were on their benchs'
36mon 1wk 8h 51m ago | 2021-07-16 06:52 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by IronClawZ
HG Veteran

So, while I don't doubt your word, I can't approve this T-list.

You didn't even see them get killed. You just saw the kill feed and people complaining.. this is literally a scenario you've been taught.

Please provide better evidence of you actually SEEING him freekill and follow proper procedure.

36mon 1wk 8h 51m ago | 2021-07-16 06:52 AM IronClawZ locked thread
36mon 1wk 8h 51m ago | 2021-07-16 06:52 AM IronClawZ disapproved ban

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