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Ban Details
Ban CategoryRegular Ban
  View Steam Community Profile for 1:654344616Subject Steam ID  Lookup other bans for 1:6543446161:654344616
Subject Name  Lookup other bans for vitessevitesse
By  Lookup other bans by 1:112626875Silly
Server (And Mod)  WebWeb
Datetime Added  (1wk 1d 13h 39m ago)2025-03-15 09:50 PM
1wk 1d 13h 39m ago | 2025-03-15 09:50 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Silly
1wk 1d 13h 32m ago | 2025-03-15 09:56 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Silly
Retired Leadership

well my geforce experience goofed and for some reason this is the clip I got. The guy was spinbotting on the roof killing a ton of people, server had 28 people on he was ruining it for everybody. Here's what I captured, sorry I don't know why this happened. https://youtu.be/d606e38qM48
1wk 1d 13h 3m ago | 2025-03-15 10:25 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Benz
Executive Council

Silly wrote:
well my geforce experience goofed and for some reason this is the clip I got. The guy was spinbotting on the roof killing a ton of people, server had 28 people on he was ruining it for everybody. Here's what I captured, sorry I don't know why this happened. https://youtu.be/d606e38qM48</div>

Thank you for taking care of this Silly. Player perm banned

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