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Robin A Hood Ban request

Stoner Steve

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1. Name: in-game:Robin A Hood steam id: Streets

2. Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:2318323

3. Server: HG 24/7 roleplay

4. Reason: Random demote/job abuse/not following job protocol/rdm

5. Proof: 2zyaasm.png

6. Comments: Robin a hood had a complaint from a citizen that he blew their door down. I went to try and arrest robin and he opened up with an auto shotty. When i found him, back turned, i shot him in the head. He claims RDM and that i had to right. He then demoted me for rdm. After i retaliated by demoting him for random demoting me. The above screen then captures him threatening rdm. He then switches to a hitman, kills me without adverting the hit. Then claims that he was hired.


Obvious logic says he was upset about being demoted in which case he changed classes just to kill me and be able to lie and say it was a hit. Which of course, is bullshit in this case.


Thank you for taking the time to read this. Hopefully the above will get a suitable length ban for breaking so many rules at a time.



Edited by Stoner Steve
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Ok. If you are going to biased. That's cool. But be generous enough to screenshot the whole console, from the time you got the complaint to the part where you shot me behind the head.


I am not a "reg admin"


My computer just crashed so my proof from console just went down the drain.


Let me fill you in on a little story steve...


I joined the server maybe 5 minutes before i went to the pawn shop.


There were people outside of it, i was sitting there hanging out.


ANOTHER THIEF is there also, he pulls a shotgun out and blows up the door.


I walked away, and went into skiski's gun shop, where me and insidious were helping him out with the prop block (No doors only props)


Maybe 20 seconds later you shoot me from behind as a CIVIL PROTECTION.


1. You cannot kill randomly like that 2. No warrant was issued 3. You did not say one word to me before you killed me


Then when i demoted you for "Rdm" you RAGE and claim I had a shotgun and i was blowing shit up and shooting people.


Fact 1 - I NEVER <-- NEVER, Had a gun up to the point you killed me. So how could I in fact have a SHOTGUN to pull on you and blow up a door?


Fact 2 - Even if i did have a shotgun you contradict yourself in your statement "I went to try and arrest robin and he opened up with an auto shotty" "When i found him, back turned, i shot him in the head" So which was it.. did i open up with a shotty or did i have my back turned? Good job on recognizing nothing.


Only thing i had in my hand was a lockpick which WASN'T being used.


So you get mad and demote me for "Random demote" - LOL


Rage more? /trollface


Why don't you show this in your console screenshots?


So anywho, I become a hitman and was talking with a buddy whom gave me a money printer in exchange for killing you. All verbal over mic.


Then you demote me yet again for "RDM" claiming it was a fake hit.


Then you go on telling k-dub to get me banned and probably even told insidious.


P.s. why did k-dub kick you for "Blackmailing admin"... Please discuss this.

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1. I did not kill randomly, you pulled a shotty out on me.

2. No warrant is needed for visual contact.

3. No words needed to be said, you shot at me.


Proof you did not have a gun?

After trying to arrest you, you ran away. I ran around the complex to try to head you off. Found you in a shop and shot you.


You did not use the appropriate protocol even if that bullshit hitman story was true.


You can find the blackmailing admin part on the admin ban request form :)


Have a nice day,


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1. There are 3 thief slots. All were filled. So you are telling me that out of the 3 I happen to be the one? Oh please...


2. Visual contact? "Robin a hood had a complaint from a citizen that he blew their door down"


3. Never shot at you thanks.


Don't need it. You are the one claiming i had a shotgun.


You never tried to arrest me, you maybe tried to arrest the other thief, but not me.




Hmmm and there was me and another thief in the same area... HMmmmmmmmm.


So you don't think at all that you mistakenly came after me while you were chasing the other thief?


Civil Protection is arrest then shoot. You are a useless minge that just shoots at the first sign of resistance.


It's an RP server for a reason. Please learn the rules.


And proper protocol? Please show me what "appropriate protocol" you are looking at...

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1. Yes it was you. It was a person who had 455 health at the time, which i believe is also over the limit.

2. Visual contact of you shooting at me with a shotgun. Duh...

3. Dont lie.


I tried to arrest you like I said before. It was you, dont lie. Lying is a bad habit, hopefully your parents will teach you that.


As for the rules, I know them thanks. However if you type !motd you will see that there are many things you clearly dont understand.


Proper protocol means when you accept a hit, you type /advert Hit accepted. You however skipped this part because no one ordered said hit. Within 2 seconds of you switching to hitman, I was dead. Coincidence, I think not.


Thanks again,



EDIT: Its late, im going to bed. The admins will decide, not you.

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Your logic is fail.


1. If you don't know how to obtain 455 health then you sir fail.


2. Still laughing at the fact you think I had a gun


You never tried to arrest me genius.


Yea the "Child or adolescent" thing is something people use when they are ignorant.


Really? So you know you need a warrant then you need to arrest and you are not suppose to kill a "suspect"


As far as i'm concerned, I was told my multiple Regular Admins that /advert Hit accepted was NOT needed. 2 seconds? really? was more like 2 minutes.


Yea... please continue with the fail logic. I am enjoying this laugh. Your attempts are futile and you have unwitty responses.

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According to the screenshot ..it does look like an RDM, minge and metagaming.


I'm letting you off with A WARNING.


There is not much I can do without more proof. I don't see anywhere in the screenshot about a demote, and after reading your guy's little girl fight, clearly there is some issues you guys need to kiss and make up for.


Thanks for the report.

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