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Never trust a hippie abuse


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Now this is a minor case, only a 10 minute ban but he obviously does not seem to understand what racism actually is.


Here is his post where he thinks i wrote semi-racist things and had a poor attitude towards him. This was a thread where I appealed to JJK for banning me from Teamspeak 2 months ago by the way, he had no business in it.


This is the same guy I banned for 10 minutes from jailbreak for being a douche and saying semi-racist things and then proceeded to add me on steam and threaten to report me.

Lose the attitude, cause I'm not gonna deal with anymore bullshit from you.


http://hellsgamers.gameme.com/player...s/chat/1327188 real nice...


So i looked at my chat logs from where I got banned and I see...me saying nothing racist at all. Not even semi-racist. Nigerians are a race but what I wrote is the same thing as saying RUSSIANS or AFRICANS.


The other part of the chatlogs doesn't even show me insulting any admin in particular, just predicting what the admins might do because they're so crazy on enforcing anything to do with race. (I don't want to get into how admins only use that disrespect rule when THEY themselves are disrespected, no one else)


And then he claims I "threatened" him in steam chat. No, I asked him to explain himself and that its abusing to just ban people for something you think is racist.


I've seen admins ban people for quoting the word "negro" (not a racist slur, United Negro College Foundation for example uses that). I've seen admins ban people for having the name "Lil Jew".


It's gone too far where any mention of a race and it seems like its mostly black races get banned.

I'm not saying DON'T have the no racism rule but at least make it so admins understand that everything is not racist. Obviously saying, "You DUMB N-word" is a racist slur. But saying negro in context shouldn't be banned. Neither should saying Nigerian or Jew or anything else when its in a decent context.

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Very one sided comment there. I didn't write it more than two times and the filter is trying to filter out the actual N word, not NIGERIANS. I don't have the most noble of reasons to actually tell you why I typed it, but it's not because I wanted to troll anyone. There's much easier ways of doing that.


And he never said don't do it. Even if he did and I missed it, he can't tell me to stop using a harmless word unless I'm spamming it. No spamming was going on from me

You'd also have to agree that the way the admins deal with racism goes way too far. I was just going to not even bring any of this up but hippie decided to post his comments in a thread where he really didn't need to say anything at all.

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People who make stupid names and say stupid stuff are antagonizing in the first place. Whether or not it's actually racism doesn't change the fact it's for the purpose of offending, and is worthy of action from an admin. The no-tolerance racism rule is to prevent people being offended over silly stuff that people do for the sake of stupidity / racism / trolling etc.


Long story short, you're nitpicking, he's trying to prevent a flame war - and it was ten fucking minutes - that is the point. It's the equivalent of "Get another bag of cheetos and let off some steam before going back on JB"


Also, to rebuttal your statements.


1) Laz is right. If an admin says stop, you stop. MOTD states not to ignore a admin's requests and to take it up with staff (abuse report) if you disagree, and to follow his request ingame


2) I don't agree with your opinion on the racism rule. People act like assholes very quickly and that rule prevents people getting heated over a very taboo topic.


3) If you posted this (as you claim) as some sort of revenge / consequence for hippie saying something in the forums you didn't like, then you're just acting like a child. get over yourself.


EDIT: https://hellsgamers.com/threads/46392-Unban-from-Teamspeak-please?p=266805#post266805 Is this that forum post you're getting upset about? Really?

Edited by laos
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I understand your bias. It's a fellow admin. But you have to see a pattern in every single abuse report that goes on here. Every action that an admin does isn't noble.


How is saying nigerian twice going to turn into a flame war? He never told me to stop. I just told you he didn't tell me and yet you continue to post what I just said he didn't do.


I never said get rid of the racism rule, I said it should be modified to not be so strict because I'm pretty sure the majority of people on the JB server are NOT racist but are misperceived as such. Having a name like Lil Jew should not make an admin have them change their name or be banned. And no, i didn't have that name.


I've said that my reasons for typing what I wrote isn't noble. But stop looking at this like a one sided affair. Hippie was in the wrong for banning me for that. I like to think that people like me in the JB server and I never spout anything racist. So to be banned because he thinks that is just stupid. Even if it was only 10 minutes (which i mentioned as well)


This isn't a revenge/consequence thing, don't be so quick to judge. This is an admin misusing the rules to get his way. An admin has a million ways to defend himself on these forums when he gets something pointed towards him but a normal user has almost nothing. It seems like the only way to get an admin to stop his behavior is for him to literally type the n-word in chat so someone can screenshot it.


And Hippie isn't even the real problem, it's the vagueness of the racism rule that gets abused. It should be a tad more specific on what is actually racist.

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First off, calling any admin fucking stupid doesnt help you in the least bit.

Second, your nitpicking the rules with racism, "well i didnt directly say it". No Nigerians is not racist but used in the right context it could be considered it. i dont blame hippie for banning you for 10 min. it was a small ban take a break come back and play.


Not Abuse.

Edited by Jake
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