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Unban Request


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1. Your in-game name: Wiawyr

2. Server that you were banned on: 24/7 DM Crackhouse

3. The Banning admin: most lilely hippie

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:1:4081961

5. Reason for ban: Unsure. Proper procedure (warn/mute/kick/ban) was not followed, and I do not know the offense I was banned for.

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ban report incoming soon. fyi procedure was followed.(what do you think all those warnings and kick was for?)

What warnings? You mean when you spammed "sh" in regular chat and the other admin told you to stop? How am I supposed to infer what you mean if you don't straight up say it?

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Sorry to intervene on this Kigen but I know him and his history, wait your 2 months and next time I tell you to shh and stop typing you probably should listen to me. just because another admin tells me to stop feeding the troll doesnt mean I'm not an admin as well, and you completely ignored my warnings while pestering, annoying and trolling me.(at the same time). http://sb.n00bsalad.net/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=STEAM_0%3A1%3A4081961&Submit=


Wait it out, good day.

Edited by Never trust a hippie
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1. Your in-game name: Wiawyr

2. Server that you were banned on: 24/7 DM Crackhouse

3. The Banning admin: most lilely hippie

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:1:4081961

5. Reason for ban: Unsure. Proper procedure (warn/mute/kick/ban) was not followed, and I do not know the offense I was banned for. Also, as you can clearly see by hippie's response in this thread: https://hellsgamers.com/threads/51718-Unban-Request?p=300704&viewfull=1#post300704 "Sorry to intervene on this Kigen but I know him and his history, wait your month and next time I tell you to shh and stop typing you probably should listen to me. just because another admin tells me to stop" he is pursuing a vendetta against me personally, even going so far as to lock my thread before anyone else can weigh in on it. In game, he did not use the white admin-chat a single time, and warnings were not issued. Procedure was not followed, as I have stated above.

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