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Ban Report: Emile Heskey


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1. Name: Emile Heskey

2. Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:36040612

3. Server: Jailbreak

4. Reason: Disrespect, ignoring admins, and general asshattery

5. Proof: Moving him to T for planting and initial outburst, second outburst, after the final warning

6. Comments: Emile was on CT during a Pokemon round and the lead CT had picked him to fight. After delaying a bit, he went down there with all of his guns, proceeded to lose and gun plant in the process. I moved him to T after he died as a first warning for a pretty stupid gun plant and told him if he did it again I'd templock him. TheNoob was explaining it to him as well, and in the process of this Emile started to say stuff like, "Fuck you fa****," and, "Fuck you noob," so I kicked him. I initial thought this was directed at me, which is why I kicked him for admin disrespect, but apparently it was directed at TheNoob which still broke the respect all players rule. He came back later and started again, so I kicked him again giving him his second warning. Once he got back on, as you can see in the last picture, I gave him a final warning and the first thing he said was "lol you mad" so I temp banned him for ignoring admins.

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