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GMOD | Ban Request: Included in additon info (too long title)

Crack Cocain

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Included in additon info (too long title)

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robbing the bank as an entire org, also spam

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What Server were they on?



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Neko Cat clearly saying surround the guy robbing the bank, they all decided not to leave (how can you not notice the bank being robbed?) Just because its a server restart doesnt mean you dont get money for robbing the bank, and it deffinetly doesnt mean you can break the rules. Adolf Heffner is seen leaving the bank with an AK and shooting cops on his way out


(request on: Jimmy Pickles, Neko Cat, Jack Andrews, Mike Inc, Steven Mcsteve, Adolf Heffner, Eric Warehelm, Brad Black, Thundrawar derp, Isaas Twitchums, Biggie Smalls)


warranted a 24 hour ban, so what does this warrant?


Edited by Crack Cocain
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We weren't helping the guy rob the bank. I , well we , didn't even know he was going to rob the guy. I was joking when i said that. I also was saying the cop to kill him too lmao. I didn't think people would be butt mad because of it. The reason we were all there was to sell skyscraper so we ALL left as an org and went there together and stayed the last seconds there.If we wanted to help we would of had a gun and killed the cops. We had no intention in helping him. Alot of other people were there too who weren't org people lmao.


Also to "how can you not notice" i noticed since i was there BEFORE and AFTER he did it. But i wasn't gonna leave cause he was robbing the bank lmao. I just hid under the counter so i wasn't in the way.

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After reviewing it for me there's no clear or direct evidence of anyone intentionally surrounding the guy robbing the bank i've seen many a situation where a lot of people are in the bank then someone randomly robs the bank.

Does this mean everyone has to immediately evacuate because one person decided to do this?

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Regardless many people in your org were there, you knew he was robbing the bank and didnt leave. Sounded to me like you surrounded your friend so they couldnt arrest him, we will let the video be the judge of what was intentional and what wasnt?

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Regardless many people in your org were there, you knew he was robbing the bank and didnt leave. Sounded to me like you surrounded your friend so they couldnt arrest him, we will let the video be the judge of what was intentional and what wasnt?


Like i said , I didn't know he was going to but yes i knew he robbed it. I wasn't going to leave the bank since it happened though. Why would i care if he was arrested the last 5 seconds of the server? Why would i make him NOT arrested the last few seconds and be banned on the count of that?

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I watched your demo and I wasn't even in the bank until after the robbery was over and the cops were getting medics to revive people so they could arrest. When Brad robbed the bank I didn't see anyone start shooting cops, the most I saw was Steven shoot someone who punched him (which isn't up to me to decide how legitimate that is) so how am I assisting in the robbery? When I was in the bank I was sitting in the corner most of the time anyways. (Mike Inc)

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Clearly Jimmy Pickles and Jack Andrews are punching cops trying to arrest brad, and everyone there in your org stays just to add to the confusion... you came back before brad was arrested.


You went there to sell sky? didnt see you at the realestate NPC thats for sure, and even if you did go there to sell sky (and not wait for bank to be able to get robbed) then it wouldnt take over 6min

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Thank you Wingless, and you must be kidding me if you are trying to defend against the people from Necessary Evil, saying that it wasn't a group raid. In this video Necessary Evil clearly raided the bank as an org. Getting in the way of the officers yelling "BRAD RUN!". All those invovled have been temporarily banned for 12 hours each. Not everyone on that list above was aiding in the robbery.

Edited by Darkwing Duck
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