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Kontos's unban request


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1. Your in-game name: Kontos

2. Server that you were banned on: PERP

3. The Banning admin: HG | Darkwing Duck [M]

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:1:25377449

5. Reason for ban: Apparently Rdm.

This to me is a big misunderstanding there, was nothing random about it and it had to deal with a plan that I had mapped out to rob the bank. What happened was this, I had decided I was running low on cash and I still had a loaded Uzi with a lot of rile ammunition ready to go in it. I pulled my car close to the bank and looked around the area to make sure what my issues would be, 2 officers one being a swat agent (that swat agent being the one who I supposedly rdmd). The Swat agent was across the street from the bank and seemed to be a significant threat to the plan, that as it was I waited for the right moment and got him from behind when he wasn't looking. As of that there was an officer across the street which I was also called out for rdm, two thing he just saw me kill a swat agent and he had a Tazer out right in front of the bank. Which obviously would be a considerable threat when it came to robbing the bank. I took him out and jumped over the counter with my Uzi and was slayed. Though I can understand it being misunderstood as RDM I don't see how it would be as of that I had a reason and was a bit threatened. If that wasn't considerably enough of a threat for me to kill him I apologize. If that's the case could someone give me a few pointers as to whats a considerable threat in the administrations boots so I won't have this confusion again. Thanks for reading this anyways.

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You can not kill police prior to actually robbing the bank, that is considered RDM. Since this is a first offence I will gladly unban you since you were mature whilst coming to the forums. Please read through our rules thread located here: https://hellsgamers.com/threads/69165-PERP-Lite-RP-3-0-Rules-Revised so you do not make any mistakes in the future :). Unbanned.

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