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T-Listed for over "1 month 2 weeks 3 days" for a flase reason


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Okay, well I was playing as a guard on the CSS jailbreak server, The lead had told everyone to get on there bench by a certain time or be shot, So after the time passed I shot 2 people that afked and went to check the other cells.....then my power went out for a few seconds (probably from the microwave and AC being on at once) causing my net to cut out and it disconnected me.


I thought nothing of it still a day or so later I try to get on guard just to see I am tlisted for the false reason of "freekilling" for 1 month 2 weeks and 3 days...


Its almost like the admin who banned me decided to go " 1 2 3" to count.


HG | Archer [A] Had tlisted me for this extreme amount of time and its really unfair. For 1 I didnt freekill and for 2 I didnt want to disconnect but my power/net failed on me.


Is there something that can be done about this? I didnt even know about it till I checked the recent tlist list





I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post but im unsure where i should post thats better (I tried to post on the tlist report but it acts like im not signed in, when i click sign in it sends me back here and when i try again it acts like im not signed in so i cant post there)

Edited by Bonbon
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This was a whole new round. There was no lead, no one claimed it.


You shot another T in one of their cells and then killed me and right after you disconnected from the server.


And I wasn't afk, neither was the other guy because he was confused on why he got killed when there was NO lead. As you can see in the screenshot he said "can someone tell me wtf"


You changed the whole story.



Edited by Archer
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This was a whole new round. There was no lead, no one claimed it.


You shot another T in one of their cells and then killed me and right after you disconnected from the server.


And I wasn't afk, neither was the other guy because he was confused on why he got killed when there was NO lead. As you can see in the screenshot he said "can someone tell me wtf"


You changed the whole story.


There WAS a lead and he said everyone get on the benches or be shot.


I thought you two where afk as none of you moved.


Also I cant view any screenshot because that part of the site refuses to let me log in, so im unable to view or post there. But I didnt freekill as I said there was a lead and you just didnt move so i shot you like the lead said and Tlisting me for 1 month 2 weeks and 3 days is just abuse -.-

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Screenshot shows no one claimed lead.

There was a guy on mic claiming he was said lead and gave orders. To my knowledge there was a lead.


also I didnt disconnect on my own free will I lost my net due to a small power outage.


If I am wrong on the lead thing I am sorry but the guy on mic gave orders as a lead. I thought there was one. Also 1 month 2 weeks and 3 days is just an abusive tlist for just 2 kills when i thought it was just disobeying a lead's orders.


Again to my knowledge there was a lead giving orders, and i shot you two thinking you afked. If I am wrong im sorry about that. However my disconnection was due to a lack of power/net not my choice, I didnt mean to freekill nor disconnect.


I dont think 1 month 2 weeks and 3 days was necessary and was abusive, especially over a misunderstanding

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There was a guy on mic claiming he was said lead and gave orders. To my knowledge there was a lead.


also I didnt disconnect on my own free will I lost my net due to a small power outage.


All right let me stop you right there. Not only did Archer's screenshot show that there was in fact no lead, and that the two people you freekilled were in fact not AFK, it also showed that you did in fact leave the server on your own free will.


You'll notice your disconnect message was "Disconnected by user" this message only appears when you manually click disconect or exit from your in game menu. Had your internet gone out, and your computer (laptop) stayed on, due to a power failure your disconnect message would have been "A box timed out".

Had you been on a desktop, and your power had gone out, causing the computer to shut down your disconnect message would have been "Client left game (Steam auth ticket has been canceled)"


So, you're already off to a rough start, especially considering you're accusing cute little Archer of abuse.

Now, that being said I do believe 1 month, 2 week, 3 days is a bit harsh a punishment, even considering your previous tlist history (image provided as you claim you can not access hgbans)




Although, I believe in successive, incrememntal punishments so according to the above your tlist is no less than 1 week 1 day. Let's say 2 weeks, to be even.

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