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not abuse Kigen Abuse


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1. Abuser name: Kigen

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:13800814

3. What server: HG ZS

4. About what time: 12:15 ish

5. PROOF: Several Gmod advisers/admins

6. Please tell us about the incident: I was banned because of "disrespect" towards Kigen. What I said over mic was "wow this gamemode needs to be updated." Something I remind him of every time he joins us. He said "would you stop that?" which I jokingly replied "stopped them updates..." in a soft low voice then turned off my mic and continued playing. Moments later without warning of ban or even a kick I was banned for disrespect. I demand something be done about this especially since Kigen has not even posted proof of my ban.

Edited by Crazyfilms5000
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  • Executive Council

As explained in the ban on HGBans you consistently display a very toxic attitude on the server. You seem to keep repurchasing Gold Membership so that other admins on the server are unable to deal with your constant disrespect towards people (calling them autistic, etc). You have also had a long history of abusing admin repeatedly. By random slaying, teleportations, mass muting/gagging/etc. Yet you keep rebuying Gold Membership after having been stripped of it. Until a workable solution is in place to prevent you from rebuying Gold Membership you will remain banned.

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But none of that had nothing to do with the events leading to my ban to that moment. He did not address me about any of that before my ban recently. I made a rebuttal to the chunks of log info individually if you want me to go into detail on certain lines concerning this ban I will. Yet keep in mind, considering most of that was addressed and dealt with previously, Kigen was not on for most of it there for does not know the context, and NONE of it deals with the events leading to my ban, its irrelevant.


My reply to the chat logs are here: https://hellsgamers.com/hgbans.php?i=136865-crazy-fukr

Edited by Crazyfilms5000
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You consistently make disparaging remarks about our servers, yet you keep coming back. You seem to think that constantly buying gold makes you above our rules. Well, perhaps this will be a good lesson for you.


You can sit on your ban until further notice. We'll revisit the situation in a few weeks.

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