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I will start giving out csgo lessons to members of HG because I feel like a lot of you need help as most of you are silvers. This is how it will all work.


What will I teach you?: ​I will teach you the basics of CS:GO, this includes simple smokes, flashes, peeking, when to buy, what to buy, and many more stuff. (Note: These lessons are intended for gold nova and below, I will be covering the fundamentals of csgo and answer most of your questions)



What I expect out of you:I expect you to be willing and ready to learn. If you start raging or blaming your teammates for losing, I will most likely end the lesson there. I can help calm down your rage, but no promises there.



Where and how I will give lessons:

  • I will first ask what you are having trouble with and will try and help you with those problems.
  • After that, we will go into the HG 10man server and I will show you simple smokes and flashes on some of the maps.
  • We will then go MM (I only plan on doing teaching 4 people at a time) and I will give you some tips and tricks while we do that.
  • These lessons will most likely last from 1-2 hours. Maybe 30 mins if you do not wish to MM

​When I am available: ​I am available on Tuesday, Thursday from 6:00-8:00 PM and on Friday from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM PST (I may be able to do weekends)



Now use this template and respond in this thread:

  • Hours in CSGO:
  • MM Rank:
  • When are you available (Please use PST for the time):
  • What areas you need the most help on:
  • Any comments you have:

I will send you a PM if I choose to give you lessons.


​Remember, these lessons are intended for people gold nova and below. I can not help you with your aim, you have to improve that on your own by DMing. I may be able to give you some tips on aiming, but I can't promise that you will be a much better aimer after we are done.


Any questions or comments, just post them on this thread.

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  • Hours in CSGO: 105
  • MM Rank: Gold Nova 1
  • When are you available (Please use PST for the time): anywhere from 4pm PST-8pm PST on weekdays, weekends vary
  • What areas you need the most help on: peeking, when/what to buy given specific situations, general stuff
  • Any comments you have: I'm decent, but I'm not that great. If there's anything I could do to be better at something i'll take that opportunity. Thank you for considering

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Hours in csgo: 700+

Mm rank: silver elite

When available: on weekends and any time from 4pst-7pst as I live in eu

Area I need help with: my aiming skills recoil skills and smokes and flashes all of them

Comments thanks

Edited by iAman
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  On 2/4/2015 at 7:28 AM, KarmaOfPain said:

Could be both, what is your resolution?

1366 x 768 and it's 15 inches big

I play full screen windowed in csgo

  On 2/4/2015 at 4:04 AM, KarmaOfPain said:
I will show you simple smokes and flashes on some of the maps.
http://operationl2p.com/ Dode posted this link in an other thread I found it usefull Edited by UnPrePared_
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone, sorry I haven't done any lessons so far, I've been busy with school. I will do my first lessons tomorrow. I should be on all day, if you see me on teamspeak just message or poke me and I will do my best to teach you some new stuff.

  On 2/12/2015 at 12:43 PM, keNdeL said:
Im DMG/Legendary Egle. Can I just have a look , how u will teach them? Karma?


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  On 2/13/2015 at 7:20 AM, KarmaOfPain said:

Hey everyone, sorry I haven't done any lessons so far, I've been busy with school. I will do my first lessons tomorrow. I should be on all day, if you see me on teamspeak just message or poke me and I will do my best to teach you some new stuff.



and what rank are you , Karma?
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  • Hours in CSGO: 730
  • MM Rank: Silver Elite
  • When are you available (Please use PST for the time): all day most weekends, Almost everyday 1:00 pm Pst to 6:00 pm PST
  • What areas you need the most help on: A non-cancer team I mean wall bangs and flashes peeking as well. Maybe a tiny tiny bit aim
  • Any comments you have: I get cancer I dont want cancer.(refering to teammates btw)

Edited by KingSlayer
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  • 2 weeks later...

  • Hours in CSGO: 101
  • MM Rank: Silver 1
  • When are you available (Please use PST for the time): Saturday and Sunday so maybe 7:00 AM PST to 1:00 PM PST
  • What areas you need the most help on: Aiming, grenades, and other basic stuff
  • Any comments you have: I'm not too great at aiming/ spray control and i kinda want to get better at this game overall because I usually play Gmod and TF2 where there is less aiming and map knowledge required.

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