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not abuse (Gmod) Abuse Report ( Imi4Tth3W)


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`Abuse Report

Abuser Name


Abuser's Steam ID/Unique ID


Where did this occur?


What server?

Zombie Survival

How long ago did this take place?

5 Minutes Ago.

Give us a brief description of the incident.

Basically IMI4tth3w has been acting recklessly these past days. just because he has stepped down doesn't mean he can avoid following the rules. over the past days i've gathered evidence that he has been abusing his powers and his authority just to have fun today what really set me off was that this former division staff slayed a player for a non valid purpose he didn't even warn before the slay . i also have evidence of him wasting props and building a "skycade"on which a map that has no skycade. my report is incomplete for now will be pending on video evidence and photos.

Proof Links?https://mega.nz/#!hFRnjDgC!qoeVib4b7TV4IUbiCgi3HeFgb576ms18BWbni_4uXDw




Edited by Pirateteen
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1. he broke 2 props on purpose. didn't even know how to play the game. purpose was valid. i could have screamed in his face and he wouldn't have understood. the slay was my warning. I would get proof from logs but apparently i don't have access to that anymore.

2. how is that wasting props? literally everyone was bringing me props TO build that skycade/nest.

3. i won't even have admin powers anymore by the time this even goes through, but i'm glad you worked so hard to make this abuse report and continue monitoring me

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1. he broke 2 props on purpose. didn't even know how to play the game. purpose was valid. i could have screamed in his face and he wouldn't have understood. the slay was my warning. I would get proof from logs but apparently i don't have access to that anymore.

2. how is that wasting props? literally everyone was bringing me props TO build that skycade/nest.

3. i won't even have admin powers anymore by the time this even goes through, but i'm glad you worked so hard to make this abuse report and continue monitoring me

1.Screaming like a child wont get you anywhere. and slaying him was uncalled for you should have warned him. i believe it is in the rules and it is mandatory to warn. also if you aren't aware of the rules please refer to http://hellsgamers.c...oftheday/gmodzs

2. wasting props where there is no skylight or available way to skycade is just a waste of time and props you're basically taking away the props and throwing the game.

3. Good for you. i only wanted to make this report as a precaution. :)

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1.Screaming like a child wont get you anywhere. and slaying him was uncalled for you should have warned him. i believe it is in the rules and it is mandatory to warn. also if you aren't aware of the rules please refer to http://hellsgamers.c...oftheday/gmodzs

2. wasting props where there is no skylight or available way to skycade is just a waste of time and props you're basically taking away the props and throwing the game.

3. Good for you. i only wanted to make this report as a precaution. :)



right. because inadvertently posting in game chat where 90% of players don't even pay attention to works wonders right? not going to even get into how many people you slayed on pub for questionable offenses.


just because it wasn't to your specification of a skycade does not make it any less legitimate. i think the screen shot you took makes it look pretty nice. you can even see the little post i made at the top for people to stand and snipe.


i had some really choice words that should really have been said here, but i decided to let you keep wandering in life and figure it out for your self. i suppose that's what growing up is all about.

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right. because inadvertently posting in game chat where 90% of players don't even pay attention to works wonders right? not going to even get into how many people you slayed on pub for questionable offenses.

just because it wasn't to your specification of a skycade does not make it any less legitimate. i think the screen shot you took makes it look pretty nice. you can even see the little post i made at the top for people to stand and snipe.

i had some really choice words that should really have been said here, but i decided to let you keep wandering in life and figure it out for your self. i suppose that's what growing up is all about.

I have warned them verbally in chat and if they don't listen to the warning that's on them :) I've done my part unlike you mindlessly slaying without warning.

I just love how seriously you're taking this. I mean it shouldn't matter amirite? Your powers are still being taken away. And thanks, For being so grown up about this. :)

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