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Xmass In July?


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Hello people of the interwebs you may not kmow what i mean with xmass in july well last year there was an event called xmass in july perrtay sure they year b4 that too so every day there was a chalange to do and prizes to give and for cs:go jb A XMASS TREE with rep coming out it it was great fun and i would like to know if any of that is coming back this july

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I wasn't around in July of last year. If you could give me an idea of what he did, I, and maybe other managers of bald men, can help organize this event. I know there are several people in the gang that are enthusiastic with starting events, and I think this would be a great opportunity for them to flex their creativity.


Pretty much missions every day with cool prizes and a rep tree in jb

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I wasn't around in July of last year. If you could give me an idea of what he did, I, and maybe other managers of bald men, can help organize this event. I know there are several people in the gang that are enthusiastic with starting events, and I think this would be a great opportunity for them to flex their creativity.


if bmc gave away 100k+ rep and the equivalent of 2 copies of fallout 4 and other stuff I'd be impressed

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I'd be glad to help out as well. Do we still have any of the coding for the repmas tree, or is Icon the only one with all that? If so,maybe Thomas could figure it out? That was a fantastic and fun addition to the server for the time it was there. Plus it's a great way for some newer players or ones with les rep, to earn some fairly easy. Also added some spice to some some of the days.

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To add, there are a lot of fairly new gangs like dracophiliacs and thequeen that have would greatly benefit from collecting more rep. It would inspire them to push forward with progressing their gang and ease their frustrations that come with starting from scratch, and it would help them gain a foothold in the race to the top.


There are always new gangs created, sadly they never get that high of a level because most of the regular players already are in a good gang and have no need for a new one.

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