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About the new HG Bans Section @TC/Whoever


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Is there a way we can have it set up so that you get a forum PM whenever your steam ID shows up in a logged ban/blacklist/tlist as either the recipient or the administering party? In that PM, a link to the "thread" within the hgbans section of the forums would be great. I'm asking this because with the new system, it seems like very few people understand just how to go about filing for bans/upgrades/unbans/etc. It used to be in "What's New" so that if you saw your name pop up there or the name of someone whose ban you think you can contribute toward, you could just open the thread and read through/post away. However, now that it's off in it's own section separate from What's New, it's hard for especially newer players to keep up with their bans and how to follow up on appealing them. It would also be a good way to remind people to post ban/tlist reports whenever they use those commands (as a form of accountability).

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I like this idea a whole lot.

I also agree with the idea of us getting a message whenever a reply has been posted on a ban report/request we posted on before.


@Toxic, I used to have this problem, Bort told me to make sure to check the remember me thingy on the normal forums, and that solved it for me.

Edited by kimzy
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