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not abuse Timsticle Mute Abuse


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1. Abuser name: timsticle

2. Their Steam Id: 0:31245699

3. What server: CSS Crackhouse Deathmatch

4. About what time: now

5. PROOF: in demo

6. Please tell us about the incident:


A few players were trolling each other on the mic; normal css smacktalk. Things heat up a little, and some funny moments ensue, where other players join in on laughing, but this quickly turns to mic spamming from one player, whos name was Dusk. I warn in all chat telling the players that mic spammers will be muted. Admin timsticle then mutes one of the players, TheAnnoyingAussie. I tell him that i think he should have muted Dusk first, since he was straight out yelling.


I attempt to talk to timsticle in admin chat, but he doesnt respond. I get him to respond then he starts using all chat for admin conversations. Timsticle never unmutes TheAnnoyingAussie, as seen in the demo. Timsticle said that he wasnt planning on unmuting him, and I told tim i think thats unfair, it has been well more than 5/10 mins. He either doesnt repond or refuses to unmute him.


TheAnnoyingAussie was trolling and doing some mic spam, but he shouldnt have been muted for that long, and tim shouldnt have derped and used all chat twice for admin discussions and player to player conversations.



Edited by Audiotape #lsd
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I take responsibility for muting TheAnnoyingAussie without first giving him a warning. I thought -hg- Sex L!es Aud!otape gave him the warning, not Dusk.


I will say that TheAnnoyingAussie was mic spamming with a soundboard for several minutes, and after I muted him, he became very disrespectful in chat, so I refused to unmute his mic. Also this isn't the first time I've had a problem with TheAnnoyingAussie mic spamming and being disrespectful. I know smack talking is part of the game, but TheAnnoyingAussie is incredibly persistent, and I was under the impression that it's okay to regulate if it gets out of hand.


I have no intention to abuse power. I enjoy playing on HG servers and making sure hackers get banned and rule violators get diciplined.


I apologize if I overlooked the procedures on muting people, and for using all chat to communicate rather than team chat, but I'll certainly be more careful about that in the future.

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I thought -hg- Sex L!es Aud!otape gave him the warning, not Dusk.


Dusk was the one mic spamming. I gave the warning in ALL (ADMIN): chat to all players about mic spamming, then u go and mute the 2nd most aggressive offender.

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Most of the demo is TheAnnoyingAussie just mic spamming, being disrespectful, and trolling.


He deserved that very long mute because he wouldn't stop and i'm going to ban him for 3 days for breaking these rules.


Not abuse.

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