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I'm Converting Cs_Office Into Zs_Office


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Hey, I'd just like to take a moment to say that I'm currently in the process of converting the CS:S Office map into something more suitable for zombie survival.


That is to say, I'm adding a lot of blood decals, closing some of the doors/metal blinds, changing the lighting, and- most important of all- I'm making all of the static props physical so they can be moved around ( i.e. the book shelves, some of the filing cabinets, the three coke machines, and the rest of the furniture.


Also, I'm removing the lighting from the zombie spawn to make it darker and making it harder for the humans to spawn camp at the start of the game.


And all of the little items like coffee cups and mice have been removed so they don't get underfoot. I'll post some pictures in a minute. Let me know if you want anything specific changed.




CLICK HERE for map file

Edited by Gamma.CM
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Actually, I think Cs office is the perfect size.


I was having an issue yesterday with Hammer not compiling the map correctly for some reason (the update to steam pipe as I later uncovered). But after reinstalling steam and all of my games, it seems to be working again, so I'll post some screenshots after I redo all of the changes I made.

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  On 7/14/2013 at 3:40 AM, Gamma.CM said:

I had no idea how badly the steam pipe update borked the game files; I have missing textures and models all over the place in Hammer, but the map runs fine in GMod after it's compiled, so SS's when I solve the problem

Move all your materials and models to common/garrysmod/garrysmod/ then their respective folders, should work fine as it has for me with the rest of the steampipe games.

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BREAKTHROUGH! I figured out that I had to do exactly what youthedog just posted (shame I didn't look here sooner) and that solved most of my problems, now please enjoy some screenshots of the changes I've made. Decals and lighting comes next.


Here you can see that the two soda machines in the front are now movable:




As is the conference room table:



And all of the furniture:



Here you can see that I've put a dumpster in front of the zombie spawn (CT spawn) and lowered the garage door there to prevent spawn camping by snipers. Also, the door that would normally slide up on the other side can only be opened from the inside and the smaller door way is now closed off so that there are only two exits.





The problems that I'm having now include:

- Clipping barriers aren't invisible like they should be

- The lighting is too bright

- All of the props are physics_multiplayer, which is dangerous in GMod as they can become projectiles so i'll have to change that...

- A dire lack of blood and dead bodies (for atmosphere)

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Well, if I can figure everything out, then hopefully:

- It will be night

- Hallway lights will flicker or be off

- You won't want to wear pants, because chances are, you'll crap yourself from amazement.



Just don't get stuck in the elevator...


Edited by Gamma.CM
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Okay, so the lighting issue has to do with a compiling error that I'm getting:

Finding displacement neighbors...

Found a displacement edge abutting multiple other edges.

Warning: invalid neighbor connection on displacement near (-1064.00 -1169.59 -337.74)

Warning: invalid neighbor connection on displacement near (-808.00 -1176.00 -336.00)

Warning: invalid neighbor connection on displacement near (-808.00 -1048.00 -317.56)


This error is preventing vvis and vrad from running and doing the light work stuff and I can't seem to fix it.

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Maps are being worked on at this moment in time. While adding the maps some files got screwed up and they are working on it. Gamma i'm positive your map will be added once the server files are straightened out.



  On 7/23/2013 at 12:31 PM, Crazyfilms5000 said:

Seriously is it? This server needs at least one new fucking map come on management. Lazy bastards.

Don't disrespect leadership or it will end with a forum infraction.

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  On 7/23/2013 at 2:21 PM, sharp_shooter said:

Maps are being worked on at this moment in time. While adding the maps some files got screwed up and they are working on it. Gamma i'm positive your map will be added once the server files are straightened out.




Don't disrespect leadership or it will end with a forum infraction.


Sorry for the disrespect but seriously people have been asking for new maps for several months.

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