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reviewed Fps Mike


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1. Abuser name: FPS Mike

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:59852026

3. What server: CS:GO JB

4. About what time: about 2 minutes ago

5. PROOF: qJ5PvCN.jpg

6. Please tell us about the incident Mike without once again didnt !who Pyramid head another admin and slayed an admin

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I'm really sorry Pyramid I always check sm_who i must have got you and sh0t mixed up on admin. I slayed myself once and ill slay myself 2 more times I wouldn't slay pyramid if I knew he was an admin. And just as an FYI I slayed him both times for camping.

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You slayed the admin twice even if it was for camping.

I'm aware I slayed an admin. As I said I checked sm_who and I didn't see him as an admin (bad eyes). It was a mistake and once I !who pyramid I realized I fucked up and slayed myself. I'm not some idiot who denies doing it I just didn't realize my mistake until the second time I did it.

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But you did it 2 times thats 2 times to many

You've made mistakes before and so have other admins. Once I recognized my mistake I corrected myself. You just keep repeating the same stuff over and over and over, we know I did it twice I admitted it even if you didn't add screenshots I would have admitted it. You're acting like I don't know the rules, I know them I just didn't know pyramid was admin until I saw everyone !who him so I did it myself and I saw I made a mistake.

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Does !who (name) not work for you?

I actually use the console and sm_who so others don't feel offended if I !who them. That way I get a list of all the players as well as if they have any admin rights. It was early morning and I should have double checked before I slayed Pyramid.

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