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not abuse Consuelaraptor Abuse Report


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1. Abuser name:Consuelaraptor ºĄϘº

2. Their Steam Id:STEAM_0:0:7403842

3. What server:Hellsgamers CSS Jailbreak

4. About what time:8:40

5. PROOF:post-19869-0-24626500-1383529879_thumb.jpg

6. Please tell us about the incident:Asks Hashtag420YoloSwag if hes mad that he got muted then gags me for "trolling" (apparently saying dont over me is trolling). Then he gags hashtag and Pacman for saying something similar to what Consuela said. A bit hypocritical and completely unacceptable.

Edited by Lémurian
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Server was being inundated with voicespam trolling, particularly from Hash (the guy I gagged for 3 rounds). He was the only person I was addressing in entire chat; for some reason, lemurian and pacman, who like to troll and have a history of trolling, decided they wanted to troll too. Was a gag necessary for either of them? Probably not, but round ended in less than 20s and was trying to clean up the server. Maybe I was out of line with those two. As far as the Hash dude being gagged, he was trolling in voice which resulted in a 5 round mute, and trolled immediately once he died (conveniently, right before the highlighted portion).

Edited by Consuela
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I don't see him saying anything after he died unless it was when he said "Nope. You mad you died?" but other than that you gagged him after that. But this isn't the point that I brought you on the forums.


The thing is that from what i see on the picture(and i know its not the full story) is that essentially how you act by saying "you mad, you got muted" and once someone else said it you gagged them immediately. Although it was a troll on them but you also did it as well which I don't like to see admins doing it.


With that being said this isn't really admin abuse since I do see fit the admins powers being used properly if he did warn before hand but the attitude has to be changed.

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