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reviewed Guardian Admin Abuse Report


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1. Abuser name:GuardiaN

2. Their Steam Id:STEAM_1:1:48343948

3. What server: CS:GO Jailbreak

4. About what time: 21:10 04/05/2014 UK time ( It happened about 10-20 min before I posted this)






6. Please tell us about the incident: There is not much to say... He kicked a person with no reason... And his explanation was " I spammed a few things because me keyboard wasn't working.Im really sorry. " . I think if u spam your keyboard in admin menu. U should not be an admin.

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Well, damn, I thought that this was settled around 2 days ago I guess it hasn't, here it goes again. I was going to hide myself from having the admin tag when I lagged out (my monitor skipped several hundred frames). When my monitor game back from this lag, my game had crashed. I rejoined the game only to see this comment in admin chat, my reply to this was the same as I will post here, I am sorry, my computer crashed and the number 1 button must have registered multiple times causing for this mishap. I am sincerely sorry and I had talked to this admin in game, and another HG staff member confronted me hours later saying I had "abused" and that I was going to be banned. I then proceeded to tell him the same thing, I can take screen grabs of the steam conversation if you would wish to see them but at the time of this it was to my understanding that he knew that it was on accident. Although very much could've easily happened in the short period of time that I was gone that could've led said player to think otherwise. If this story seems somewhat fraudulent to you, by all means I understand, but after my last mishap when I kicked an HG Staff Member I always check !who before even thinking of slay, switching, or kicking a player. I do take full responsibility for kicking this player, and admitted so multiple times. But you have to understand something, when someone has a heart attack and crashes into another car, the person driving the car who crashed is not held fully responsible, essentially no one because no one could've controlled it. The same thing goes for this told tale I had no control over the monitor, just like the pore man had no control over his heart attack that caused the crash, I had no control over the monitor which caused the kick.


This calls for the story of the dinner at the car keys, but for a later time.


Your's Truly


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Okay, i just wanted to hear your side of the story. Please be more careful, I don't want to see anything like this to happen again.

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