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reviewed Guardian Abuse Report


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1. Abuser name:GuardiaN

2. Their Steam Id:STEAM_1:1:48343948

3. What server: CS:GO Jailbreak

4. About what time: 22:05 Eastern U.S. Time


https://www.mediafire.com/?8a2ma4gh7asv83v <-- DEMO




6. Please tell us about the incident:

Hello, I am here to file an abuse report on GuardiaN, who is making decisions without proof, and failing to read a situation, leading to false actions being taken.



Go to tick 15000 of attached demo.

Directly beforehand (you cannot hear the order, because I was leading, and your own mic is not recorded; ask any admin present on the server what the orders were) I gave the order

"All T's get to the first archway of Blue Room!"

I hadn't told any CTs to take a position in the blue room and remarked "Oh no, guys there's nobody in blue room, what keeps them from rebelling?"

I knew I would be able to make it to blue room in time if anyone tried to rebel, and sure enough, as I am running over, you can clearly hear a terrorist shouting "GO" to rebel; unbeknownst to them I was waiting, and when they ran through blue room when the order was to stay at first arch, I promptly shot the 5-6 who attempted to rebel.


While trying to move T's into soccer after this, I was slayed (Screenshot 1), and admins start saying it was a freeslay; I was then told it was buy GuardiaN, and he told me it was for 'freekilling'

At this point, I was heavily encouraged to post an admin abuse report here by three seperate admins.


SECOND INCIDENT: (No demo for this, only screenshot

I took lead, and at the start of the round gave an order (Face on divider of cell BARS and cell WALLS), when confusion was ensued by the terrorists, and many were talking over lead I decided to scratch that order, and give a simpler one, (Face on divider of cell DOORS and cell WALLS) At this point, there were a group of terrorists doing neither order, with their faces on the divider between their cell DOOR and WALLS, and I shot them. This apparently was the wrong thing to do, and many asked me to pass.In case I had freekilled, although by my orders I hadn't, I decided to just slay myself to make everyone content, and make sure I wasn't prolonging something I shoudn't.


At this point, I then get a message in chat saying I have been moved to the terrorist team for freekilling "three times" according to GuardiaN.

Not to insult his credibility, but he was making this value of three up, there were no rounds where I had freekilled before the time of the first incident, and as shown in demo, that was not even a freekilling incident; the second incident where I slayed myself was the first instance where there may have been freekilling, and I doubt that even; just confusion; I even slayed myself to be extra cautious.



Multiple admins have told me to report here, and I am 100% certain these actions that GuardiaN has taken are without merit or proof, and may be trying to exact some form of revenge by being killed by an order he did not pay close enough attention to.

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With the demo and this

L 05/05/2014 - 21:22:53: [basechat_csgofix_donttouch.smx] "-hg- Elite<1824><STEAM_1:1:49362846><>" triggered sm_chat (text guardian, how did sean freekill a few rounds ago? hes saying he didnt)
L 05/05/2014 - 21:23:24: [basechat_csgofix_donttouch.smx] "GuardiaN<1789><STEAM_1:1:48343948><>" triggered sm_chat (text He freekilled because he ran to the first room of blue and shot a few players and then ran back)

he obviously freeslayed you, waiting for his reply

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I cannot review the first situation because I am currently on a mac, not a windows computer. But as I recall T's had began to run to the second room after the command was given and a lead player proceeded to kill them. I consulted the HG staff member online and he said it was not a free kill because he had said this and not this, I am not exactly sure what the difference in the two where, but summed up he said if the T's all run, run, if the T's all don't run, don't run. So I proceeded, later that day a CT had ran up past second and essentially free shot killed three players and injuring many others. I proceeded to slay this player, and to my understanding he was not admin, nor lead. I then consulted my admin friend who said that it was a free slay and that I should just stop reviewing free kills in blue room.


For the second situation I was playing as that T player who had been free killed, which is why I can simply dismiss this accusation of free killing. I was doing the orders like you said and before you changed them I had been killed, I then proceeded to slay this player. I would've thought I had done something wrong but this player had also gone on to kill two other players and was removed from CT (not by me).


In conclusion the first situation is considered a free kill, the second, not at all. I your wondering at all if I'll be admin next month, the term we americans use is, "Hell no." Thank you Sean for correcting me but during that particular moment (since I don't take hours to review a case of free killing) I had thought that you had free killed, and someone reported to admins saying that it was a free kill, Icon I believe you could check the logs.


I would also appreciate staying banned, I have undoubtedly caused far to much "abuse" in the past three days then any other admin would in a year, 11% of the abuse reports have my name in it.


Your "abusive" admin


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So you're telling me that you get killed by me, slay me a few seconds later, make up a story and lie to other admins saying "he ran to the first room of blue and shot a few players and then ran back" to cover your own ass, then you have the audacity to change your story again here and say that I was actually at another spot, now past 2nd arch when the demo clearly shows I never even went past the fence. That's pretty low man.


It probably isn't my time or place to be posting this, but I am a regular on the server, playing it for at least 5-6 hours a day when I'm not practicing with my dota team, and I have seen you a total of 3 times.

Every time you show up, you are using your admin powers every round, with or without justification, without checking to see if your actions were valid, and even taking action when other admins have specifically stated not to. I have no problem with you being on the server but I can guarantee that many would support me if I said it would be better if you took a break from being admin, or at least learned how to admin properly and hold back before trying to admin. There are many admins on the server there, if you requested an unban, I know that many of the admins have helped newer admins, and I am sure they would help and show you the ropes.


I have nothing against you personally, I just feel that you are a bit trigger happy with your privilege, that is all.

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Trigger happy is what you get when you allow people to buy admin, now don't get me wrong I'm not saying I'm trigger happy, I just enjoy enforcing the law. For the fact that you say I have "lied," I don't see how, and there is no story made up here. If you would like the HG staff members name who went through this situation with me I'll happily disclose it with his/her permission.




Do you really expect a 12 year old admin to make the correct judgement call all of the time? I honestly can only go on what other people tell me is right, or wrong, and sometimes there wrong. That being said I still take full responsibility of my actions and stand on the verdict that the first slaying is considered a free kill, the second is not.


Your "abusive" admin

- GuardiaN

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L 05/05/2014 - 21:16:45: [playercommands.smx] "GuardiaN<1789><STEAM_1:1:48343948><>" slayed "Sean71596 | ߧ<1705><STEAM_1:1:34542348><>"
L 05/05/2014 - 21:16:52: [basechat_csgofix_donttouch.smx] "GuardiaN<1789><STEAM_1:1:48343948><>" triggered sm_chat (text Slayed for freekilling)


Well according to the logs that was the most recent time you had slayed him when you said

L 05/05/2014 - 21:23:24: [basechat_csgofix_donttouch.smx] "GuardiaN<1789><STEAM_1:1:48343948><>" triggered sm_chat (text He freekilled because he ran to the first room of blue and shot a few players and then ran back)

Which he obviously didn't do, you need to start being more careful with your decisions and make sure they are the correct ones. I don't really appreciate you coming here any changing up what supposedly happened. So next time mess up like this expect some punishment.


You two need to stop bickering. Just play the game and have fun.

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