No trust raiding.
Please do not ask org memebers for guns or money.
Of course you have to follow all of the server rules.
Listen to people that are higher rank than you.
Be nice to everyone, especially your fellow org members.
You need alteast 2 days of playtime on the server before you can apply, please add proof of this.
You should atleast be able to supply yourself with weapons.
No ban or blacklist in the past 3 months.
You need Teamspeak and you need to be active in it.
You should have atleast 1 car.
Suit up (You need a suit)
Format for applying
R.P. Name:
Steam name:
SteamID (Optional):
Total playtime:
Why do you want to join the Overlords?:
Extra info (optional):
Smittywerben jagermanjensen
Dallas Chains
Yuki Lau
Johnathan Mercielago
Tristan Wiz
King Sudusian
Greg Purple
Ivan Rodriguez
Luca Verdecchia
Joe Pewbs
John Kerrny
Jack Reacher