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  1. -hg- Clan Application Game Division Counter-Strike Global Offensive In-Game Name Quantum Location Eden Prairie, Minnesota How old are you? 17 Which games (servers) do you play on? I play on the Counter Strike: Global Offensive Jailbreak server. How long have you been playing on our servers? Roughly 2 years What is your Steam ID / GUID? STEAM_0:0:54501124 Why do you want to join HG? As I have stated earlier, I have played on the CS:GO Jailbreak server and prior to that I played on the CS:S Jailbreak server (along with a small amount of the Deathmatch servers) all of which I enjoyed. The HellGamers community has always stood out to me and I like the way that it is run. The members are respectful and friendly and I feel as though I would have fun being apart of your community if you choose to accept me. All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing. Will you agree with this rule? Yes Who (if anyone) referred you to apply? -- Any other information you want to include is welcome I have been a recruit of the HellsGamers community before and enjoyed it. I was demoted for inactivity but I feel as though I am ready to begin playing more frequently.
  2. I'm interested in being the voice of a character if there are any positions.
  3. Quantum

    Ps4 Vs Xbox One

    The real problem with the price is that both consoles are going to be sold at a significant loss considering the cost of the hardware and Xbox will simply come with more stuff meaning that it has to cost more. I will admit that they definitely should have sold the kinect separate or in a different bundle. Then the prices would be the same or the Xbox would be at most $50 cheaper than the PS4. It doesn't take a genius to realise that PS4 has far more power than the Xbox but when it comes down to it, both consoles will still play the big games (battlefield 4, Call of Duty: Ghost, etc...) and both consoles have a good amount of exclusives. Playstation has the popular games from the past (killzone, Kingdom hearts, Infamous, Uncharted, etc...) and Xbox has the huge amount of knew titles that will with no doubt in my mind be great games (Ryse, Forza, Halo, Titanfall, etc...) so what it really comes down to is the community/online experience. It is obvious and undeniable that Xbox Live as of so far has been far better than PSN. I personally think this is because of the fact that because it was free, they were unable to do a vast majority of things do to the lack of money that was coming from the online experience. PS+ helped and now it will be required that all players pay to play online. It also sounds like both will cost the same (Xbox Live possibly costing less do to the new deals with family accounts and such). I will personally be getting a Xbox, I had both a Xbox and a PS3 when they first came out and used the Xbox 99% of the time. I couldn't afford to purchase games for both systems and the majority of the people where I live use Xbox so it seemed like the obvious choice to join them. The Xbox controller is so ridiculously better than the Playstations and no one can deny that and it looks like it will be the same in this generations of consoles too. The diagonal thumbstick design is perfect for all games and the controller in general is more easy to use. I don't see much of a use for a screen on a controller considering you can simply look at the TV and it clearly didn't work out for the Wii U. I am not saying that the Xbox One is better than the PS4 or the other way around. There is a huge amount to take into consideration and Microsoft was quick to take away the Used game issue and always on issue. The average person will always be connected to the internet so that doesn't effect me but maybe it does some of you. No one will know which console is better until they are released. You can say all you want about either side good or bad but it will all be decided down the road when both consoles are out.
  4. I'm not choosing until I see both consoles, anyone who choices before then is being a fanboy in my opinion. How are we suppose to know which one we are going to get when we know nothing about the Xbox 720 besides rumors?
  5. -hg- Clan Application Game Division Counter-Strike (Global Offensive / Source) In-Game Name Quantum Location Eden Prairie How old are you? 16 Which server(s) of ours do you play on? I have played on the CS:S Jailbreak server in the past and currently play on the CS:GO Jailbreak server. How long have you been playing on our server(s)? 8 months What is your Steam ID? STEAM_1:0:54501124 Why do you want to join HG? I have been playing on the server for awhile now and have always seen members of the group online. I am online a lot and this is the best server on CS in my opinion and I would love to be apart of the community. All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing. Will you agree with this rule? Yes Who (if anyone) referred you to apply? -- Any other information you want to include is welcome There is another Quantum who plays on the same Jailbreak server and I continuously get called out on "impersonating" even though I have been using this name for as long as I can remember. Just want to make sure I am not confused with him.
  6. I have read the rules again, even though the only one I was un-aware of is to no ban an admin under any circumstance. May I now be unbanned?
  7. I posted in my ban about why I banned Navi and as far as team killing goes, I was tlisted for 2 hours earlier because I was afk for a minute. I went to grab a pop and when I came back I was t listed. I have only accidently team killed a player once (yesterday or 2 days ago) I killed him because a player was running and he ran into smoke and when I tried to shoot him, it instead hit and killed another player. I know and understand both the admin and motd rules very well and even though it may not be the best way to deal with Navi going on a rampage I banned him before he started banning players and like I say in my ban post, I still have no idea why he was doing this.