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Snake Doctor

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  1. Name: Snake Doctor Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:16163906 Current admin: Office admin for over a year now.... *YOU NOW HAVE ADMIN ON THE CUSTOM SERVER*
  2. I generally try to stay out of the drama that occasionally occurs here, but I saw the whole tihng. You can see from the first screen shot that I was on. As an admin, I have to agree that there was abuse here. I don't really recall the first slay, but on the second one, I was spec-ing Ethan. He was moving into T-Spawn and had just turned into elbow when the slay occurred. I personally would not have even beaconed there, much less slayed. IMHO, it was abusive. Ethan was moving, not camping. There was no reason for it. If he had been camping, that would be one thing, but blackeyes slaying there was simply wrong. Have a great New Year!