I have decided to make a topic about this because it happens to me all the time and I'm sure it happens to others as well. As being an admin on jailbreak there needs to be constant watch over the server to look out for baiters, freekills, etc.. When I am in my apartment or in class sometimes I like to sit in spectate to watch over the server because I cannot play. Even if there are admins playing on T and such on the server, having an admin in spectate saves the game from becoming 'delayed' for an admin to mute, slay, t-list. I understand and do not want the AFK kicker taken off the server because I believe AFK players should be kicked if they are not playing. I just think Reserved slots should be given out to admins that would like to do this. I haven't came up with a flaw to this yet so you guys can pick at my post but I thought I would just bring up the idea because it seems as if it could be beneficial