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  • Location
    Los Angeles, CA / Tokyo, Japan
  • Occupation
    Satellite Communications / Freelance Programming/WebDev
  • Interests
    AS3, After Effects, physics, minecraft, basketball, satellite communications, RF, computers, networking, string theory, alcohol.
  • Bio
    From Oregon, joined the military, lived/worked in Japan from 18 to 24 as a satellite communications expert, now living in LA but make occasional visits back to Tokyo, depending on the job.

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  1. ã‚ãªãŸã¯æ—¥æœ¬èªžã‚’æµæš¢ã«è©±ã™ã®ã§ã™ã‹ï¼Ÿ
  2. Wrong, I don't ever recall asking for your opinion, or evening having knowledge of your existence prior to you commenting on my thread. Furthermore, your message is irrelevant. I'm not complaining about the ban, just the ridiculous amount of admin-induced murders without a legitimate or completely rational thought process. You don't need to respond anymore. I stopped reading after your self defense plea.
  3. These two threads were posted last night, and no, the admin that banned me in game, was coincidentally the same admin that closed the threads, further disabling me from make my case, and why I chose to take this route instead. Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again, expecting dissimilar results. http://hellsgamers.c...ng-admin-abuse/ http://hellsgamers.c...tempt-number-2/ Thanks for your assurance...
  4. If it isn't such a big deal, then why the fuck is your profile name Sergeant? And more importantly, 7 years, and only E-5? Really? The only reason I brought it up, was because some child with unfit parents insulted my intelligence. If you read the list of admin kills, in order, you would realize that I was not in the wrong, from the start. Thanks for your two cents.
  5. This is the shit I'm referring to, CantBeFaded... You really shouldn't be granting children any amount of power in a This is the shit I'm referring to, CantBeFaded... You really shouldn't be granting children any amount of power in a community, when they aren't even old enough to tell themselves what to do. It's people like that, which this thread is directed at. Blessing, you don't see how your actions of admin killing affect others. Even my roommate "Zaithe" told you via voice comms that my computer was lagging... Hell, he told me that I died, so I looked at his PC, and my character was laying on the ground dead. On my screen, I was STILL on the other side of the street chasing a cop with a medpack in my hand. Then you have the audacity to say that it's not the admin's fault... Hell, one of your fellow rogue admins is insulting me right here on the forums. This hypocrisy is on par with Newt Gingrich.
  6. Excuse me? This "stupid kid" served an enlistment in the US Navy, and has more of an education than your parents and their siblings combined. Go fuck yourself, "Division Leader".
  7. Just tired of the piss ants I guess. Cheers.
  8. Back on topic, can I please get an adult to weigh in? I work on satellites in space, for fuck sake.
  9. There, I edited it.... Just for you, my man... Apparently, you don't know how to view attached pictures. Anyways, click on the one that has the console screen, and read the highlighted text.. Brace yourself, you may become enlightened. I am positive that my sentence about WoW couldn't be any more lucid and grammatically correct, try giving it another read, with your eyes open this time. Also, I did a little bit of research for you Mark, here you will find a guide on how to adequately list your thoughts, numerically, keeping with the tradition of "proper English", of course. http://www.grammarph...nd-thirdly.html Read it... but most importantly, enjoy. You should really apply yourself, Mark. As much as I hate to say it, I see great potential in you... Then again, I'm probably wrong about that too, eh?
  10. I'm not sure what I'm more surprised about, the egotistical moderators/admins you have around here, or the amount of people that actually put up with it. In under two days (3 hours of game time), I've been "admin slayed" 9 times. Once for reporting a crime, once for punchwhoring, once for allegedly calling a mod a "fa****" (but the guy that I allegedly called a "fa****", said I called him an "ass hole"...), once for respawning with an admin/mod present, once for punchwhoring again, once for running a guy over that wouldn't stop punchwhoring me, and once for asking the admin in "OOC" to refund me the money for one of my previous admin deaths (because I was lagging with a medpack in my hands, and he said I was punchwhoring), and then when I respawned, he ran me over... Ohh yeah... [For Mark (he needs it)] *** NUMBER 9 *** I almost forgot, the last one was because I said this: "You know whats worse than an asshole? an ass hole with any amount of power." Don't take my (tainted) word for it... Check the log. He banned me for Abusing OOC (which is Out of Character)... My character didn't say that, that was me... "Out of CHARACTER"... Here's some other great reading material. Enjoy. http://hellsgamers.c...ng-admin-abuse/ http://hellsgamers.c...tempt-number-2/ This reminds me of some WoW communities, but much worse. Also, I didn't write this in the admin abuse, because it's not like guys running this would rectify or resolve the situation anyways.
  11. l33t98

    not abuse Attempt Number 2...

    and for the love of god, quit deleting my posts... I'm having a hard time emailing the owner of hellsgamers.com, the link, when it keeps changing.
  12. l33t98

    not abuse Attempt Number 2...

    And if thats "a good job" in your eyes, competition might get pretty tough in the next few weeks...
  13. l33t98

    not abuse Attempt Number 2...

    Mark... Elaborate... the definition of punchwhore... now.
  14. l33t98

    not abuse Attempt Number 2...

    Also, the first guy that replied to my previous thread lied about the whole thing, and the other guy had to come and clean up his story... Real professional!
  15. l33t98

    not abuse Attempt Number 2...

    I have one guy saying that the "real story" is that I called some guy a fa****, and another guy saying that I said something about slaying... Here's something -- I've had gmod for a little under an hour, and I play minecraft.. us mindcrafter's don't use the word "slaying" tmk, but who knows... they both heard two different things come out of my mouth... http://hellsgamers.c...ng-admin-abuse/ I called you(him)((the guy that killed me)) an asshole, because you haphazardly and erroneously shot me without even giving me the chance to tell you what the problem was... which in fact was me trying to point out that some punchwhore shootingwhore nearly blew my head off with a shotty, and then when I respawned, you(he)((te guy that killed me)) barricaded the only (tmk) exit from "nexus". It's a damn RPG, last I remember (yes, I've ran hosted and administrated several TRSP, CSS and other gaming servers in my time) admins are supposed to also play by the rules... Peace. (I noticed you don't have much competition on the PERP... uhh ohh)