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The Dude

HG Member
  • Donor Level 1
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About The Dude

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Advanced Member II

Advanced Member II (4/10)



  1. Among Us crewmember sitting with a heart and A beautiful flower with a leaf -woofles
  2. Happy birthday!

    1. The Dude

      The Dude

      Thanks man! Much appreciated!

  3. Hey! I remember you too! how have things been on here? it's been a while.
  4. I figured. Application is submitted. Can I hang on to my sigs at least? Also, glad to be back.
  5. -hg- Clan Application Game Division Counter-Strike Global Offensive In-Game Name Subject Delta Location Colorado How old are you? 31 Which games (servers) do you play on? The HG JB servers on CS:GO How long have you been playing on our servers? since 2013 What is your Steam ID? (This is NOT your Steam name!) STEAM_0:0:4903756 Why do you want to join HG? I used to be a member a long time ago, Used to be a paid admin on the JB server and had become friends with many of the regulars there. It has been a long time since I had talked to anyone from here, but recently gave a gift to HG | The Peacemaker and he informed me that JB was back and has been up for a while. So I figured I would come back and give the community another go and see what happens. Also I'd like to move past my [HG] member tag and get that shiny "|" and become a part of a great community again. All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing on our servers. Will you agree with this rule? Yes Do you have any current VAC bans? No Who (if anyone) referred you to apply? HG | The Peacemaker Any other information you want to include? None at this time. I have an appointment to go to at 1800 Mountain time today (02/08/2021) but will be back and be on after that.
  6. Well, here I am again. its been a long time HG, a long time. I used to be heavily active on the CS:GO JB servers, was on as much as I can when I was able to, was a paid admin most of the a time, and was known at the time to give away a knife or two. Was a part of the original Bald Men Conversing. Was a part of al quaida as well as being around when Icon was here as well as poopmaster and joker. When ASCII was a newb and when the map was changed so many times that wardens got ambushed by a new secret path. I was told by HG | The Peacemaker that JB was back, and that coming back wouldn't be a bad idea. So here I am. I dont usually have a ton of time anymore, but I thought I'd give it another shot. See the old crew and kill a few wardens if I have the time. Say hi if you remember me. I hope to be able to apply soon and join back into the ranks of the faithful. (also Do I start over again? I had the [HG] tag on for a while after stopping being active and falling away and was never told to remove it. So i want to ask and be sure.) Thanks! Hope to see you all around sometime. (also a name change would be amazing as well.... subject delta is ancient. pretty please)
  7. And you may ask yourself, "well... How did I get here?"

  8. well this is depressing.

  9. let the darkness sink in.

  10. happy easter sunday, remember that he was a lich that was 3 days late for dinner.

  11. whos ass is that???

  12. sirius will comment welcome back on this status.

    1. ongames


      Welcome back

    2. Sirius


      back welcome ok.

    3. Xaioa



  13. I'm still around guys, just been kinda down lately. will be back on again next week.

    1. Sirius


      welcome back

  14. My god. I's beautiful! thank you so much! The rug really ties the sig together. Thank you mizz
  15. im back bitches, fucking hard drive died on me somehow.

    1. L3G0My3G0


      welcome back