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ChrisNoobSlayer last won the day on January 1 2014

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  1. To everyone who wished me a goodbye from HellsGamers, I'd like to say thank you. It's just that I gotta focus on more important aspects of my life, and I don't have the time for this. I'll still come on TeamSpeak every now and then, but for now, I'll see you on steam.

  2. Map looks good! Can't wait to see it completed.
  3. At the time, I liked using the Reaper UMP in ZS, and also at the time I liked Jurassic Park.
  4. Ok so these are some of my suggestions: *my opinion The transitioning of textures from wall to wall is out of place, perhaps add an arch of some sort between them? *It's one thing when you have a single weapon on the map, but its another when you have Annabelle rifles and grenades spawning on the map. A single zombie spawn would make this map leaning in human favor. I'd suggest adding more zombie spawns, or even making a larger zombie spawn. *Maybe reduce the amount of melee weapons that are on the map? *Make it seem more of a realistic safehouse/bunker. THE NEXT ONE IS STRONGLY MY OPINION, BE AWARE *Honestly, fallback maps are really just point farm maps. May I suggest making a map with multiple rooms of possibilities, like abandoned mall or even deadblock?
  5. Honestly, at the point we're at in ZS, where we have no updated maps, and nothing new was added since the hunter rifle, I'd stick with new weapons, features and maps. Seriously, maps like mall of the dead have to go.
  6. I fully support this idea. It's 2014 and we're still using props, weapons, etc. from nearly a decade ago. It's time to bump up the game, and Black Mesa really does a good job of adding a remastered look to Half Life 2.
  7. Workshop has been updated, this shall hopefully be the final version, as I fixed the void leak, removed the dividers, added a new dynamic prop near a zombie spawn, made the wall near the vent wider to reduce power, and yeah.
  8. Alright, while I now understand why you needed to increase the diagonal vent height because of quicker movement, jumping to get to the upper vent is not a problem. With crouching in the diagonal vent, what would once take 10 seconds by crouch is reduced to 5 with the increased height, jumping to the next vent is a minimal difference, like 1 second difference, so that's not planned gonna be fixed.
  9. Alright so I've updated the map (via workshop) with the vent fix and some new zombie spawns and scenery.
  10. I'm not pulling an attitude. I'm just addressing points I think are wrong or irrelevant. I added the bullshit reasonings part because if people are giving my map 4 out of 5 stars without pointing out any real problems like out-of-the-map exploits, I think it's fine, and so do the subscribers. And just to address even more points(wheres Billy Mays to say BUT WAIT THERES MORE). It's only an issue if they can't get through the vents at all. Interesting how you mention the map and how you have a long walk and stuff and how it's boring, when back many months ago, when subway stations(or it might've been transit) was APPROVED for the server, it was like my map, there wasn't really anything on the train tracks besides the damn trains. 1. About bullcrap fixes, look at what I first said 2. About looking bland, look what I said comparing subway stations 3. About my "attitude", look at the bullcrap fixes part. In my opinion, the map is fine, the only change I think is a real change is the nodraw ramp, besides that, the map is fine.
  11. Once again, the map has been edited, newest version available via workshop
  12. Just to address a few points: It's a vent. It's not made for human passage. It's irrelevant to balance and look but whatever. I can name a lot of places to barricade The 2 subway stations The 4 bathrooms The 2 elevator rooms The Fire Room The Vending Machine Room The 2 control rooms across the subway stations So far that's at least 12 places, not counting inside those rooms. Look above. End of discussion. So in my opinion, I don't really need to fix the amount of barricading places, I only need to fix minor details and stuff.