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Friend of HG (2/10)



  1. Gratz on member

    1. jesse.jbomb


      Thanks man I appreciate it

  2. and i dont no wtf happened rigth there vvv

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. persianskillzz


      man i dont no wtf happened it just spammed his wall somehow

    3. jesse.jbomb


      Lol i had 26 notifications but thanks man

    4. persianskillzz
  3. damn i forgot to +1 u but congratz on [HG]!

  4. damn i forgot to +1 u but congratz on [HG]!

  5. damn i forgot to +1 u but congratz on [HG]!

  6. damn i forgot to +1 u but congratz on [HG]!

  7. damn i forgot to +1 u but congratz on [HG]!

  8. damn i forgot to +1 u but congratz on [HG]!

  9. damn i forgot to +1 u but congratz on [HG]!

  10. damn i forgot to +1 u but congratz on [HG]!

  11. Welcome. I cant wait to get to know you more
  12. well I almost cummed my pants when I saw the gameplay of BF4. The game is more diverse and I feel like every call of duty game is becoming the same thing game after game. BF4 is evolving to bigger and better things in my opinion.
  13. What is everyone's opinion on the next gen consoles. What you like, what you don't like, what you might get. I was all for PS4 at the beginning when they first came out but Xbox 1 just announced some stuff that made it more competitive. I don't want people to try and convince other people to get a certain console, I would just like to hear your opinions