Character Name: Monty Python
Time Played: 1 Day (Near 2 Days, I dunno)
PERP Cash: 50k
Your Best Qualities: Can make some guns (Getting more stats for more), defend, and raid
Your Worst Qualities: Bad aim because of lag in the city, and my lack of gold ;~;
Why You Want To Join: I would love to join the blessings because its a great org!
Ingame Name : Monty Python
Steam Name : -hg- Volk the Sloth
Status(VIP,Gold) : None
Age : 14
Raiders/Defender Group : Raider
Why You Want To Join : I would love to join a good organization
IGN : Monty Python
SteamName : Volk The Sloth
Why do you want to join : Want to raid, have fun, and join a great organization
Aladeen or Aladeen? : ALADEEN MOTHER FUCKER
-hg- Clan Application
Game Division
Garry's Mod
In-Game Name
Houston, TX
How old are you?
Which server(s) of ours do you play on?
PERP and jailbreak.
How long have you been playing on our server(s)?
A few weeks.
What is your Steam ID / GUID?
Why do you want to join HG?
I would love to join a great community of gaming and servers I love.
All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing. Will you agree with this rule?
Who (if anyone) referred you to apply?
Any other information you want to include is welcome