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  1. I played on the TF2 Minecraft Trade server for a while then decided to join up.
  2. Hi all, I just joined Hellsgamers after about a year of playing on the TF2 Minecraft Trade Server and decided I should join and get to know you guys better since I spend so much time on the server. I play a lot of games, so really just ask and I'll probably play it, some of the main ones I play are, TF2, Gmod, Minecraft (Both Original and Tekkit/FTB), PlanetSide 2, Killing Floor, Civilization 5, Borderlands 2, DayZ, Saints Row 3, Portal 2, Terraria, and many more, those are just the main highlights that I'm sure some of you guys play and that we would be able to play together, I play many more single player games, feel free to check out my Steam games list, that's where they mostly are. I also play a lot outside of Steam. Also I'm an avid TF2 Trader. I hope to see you all around.
  3. It's my account one actually, but sure. STEAM_0:0:35868065 Updated OP
  4. -hg- Clan Application Game Division Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name Sucon Location Santa Cruz California How old are you? 16 Which server(s) of ours do you play on? Minecraft Trade How long have you been playing on our server(s)? For over a year. Decided to sign up. What is your Steam ID / GUID? STEAM_0:0:35868065 Why do you want to join HG? Because i've played in the community for quite some time and decided I might as well join it. All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing. Will you agree with this rule? Yes Who (if anyone) referred you to apply? Fatcat I guess. Any other information you want to include is welcome I have admin experience in a few communities and have been apart of online communities for quite some time. I play a very wide range of games from Minecraft to TF2. Also i'm an avid TF2 Trader
  5. Jetpack for VIP - This is a good idea, I think it would be better then just everyone running around willy nilly doing it. Resizing It would be fun. Unusual Weapon Effect Will bring joy for ages. Shorter RTD time - Isn't this already in effect? If not then gladly.