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  • Occupation
    Unemployed #THUGLIFE
  • Interests
    Engineering,Computer Engineering,Gaming,and not being social with people that I make encounters with in real life.
  • Bio
    I personally think I am a pretty cool a funny guy if you just get to know me and aren't a douche bag to me the first second you see me. Also this totally have nothing to do with the previous statement, but I like to post at least one new topic on the forums everyday.

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  1. Ninjas are way too cool. Who agrees with me and why? Also have you guys heard of Ninja Camps in the US? If you have it would be awesome if you could give me some information on them.
  2. Welcome to the HG forums!

  3. Yea don't even bother to mess with this!
  4. -hg- Clan Application Game Division Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name Ozuno17 Location Lewisburg, Tennessee How old are you? 13 Which server(s) of ours do you play on? Hellsgamers.com/Minecraft trade How long have you been playing on our server(s)? 0d 00:18:20h What is your Steam ID / GUID? STEAM_0:0:35718550 Why do you want to join HG? I have played on the servers for about 3 years. I have mostly played only on the TF2 servers and Gmod servers. After a while of playing on them I thought "hey why not become a member of the group?" and here I am now All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing. Will you agree with this rule? Yes Who (if anyone) referred you to apply? Neko-Kun Any other information you want to include is welcome --