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    old account gg, my new one is "Jivasu"

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  1. I don't know where this is going but I really would like to see more of it.
  2. Eriiiiiiiiiin! Where are you!? Your like never on PERP!

    1. Bellows


      I'm on a Leave of Absence. Being a junior and having ap classes is no bueno mi amigo :<

      i go on soon dear its ok <3

    2. Bellows


      congrats on member!

  3. I never even realized the possibility of losing anyone in this community. I can't imagine how difficult it would be. I hope that everyone else that is here now is healthy and living contently (and if there are people with troubles and in need of someone to talk to, feel free to chat with me!). I wasn't here long enough to know who Tipsy is but I'm sure he was a wonderful person! Condolences to you, Drums. Also, +1 for this idea. It'd be great.
  4. Bellows

    Hip Hop

    Definitely got some good tracks from here. One of ya'll should think of making a TeamSpeak music room just for the hell of it. I'd sure as hell join that 24/7 seeing as I can't open pandora b/c of my shit laptop while in-game.
  5. osu? :>

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Accsick


      That shit is hard!

    3. ToruChan


      I love osu ouo And Hugh let's take a game some time!

    4. Mr Hugh Janus
  6. Mods or admins, I kindly ask that you delete this thread. This organization is no longer active and I see no use in having this thread up any longer. Please and thanks!
  7. Awesome idea! I even placed the widget as my siggy. ^^
  8. Nicholaaaassssssss, wheree aree youuuu!? DON'T MAKE ME FIND YOU IRL! come back >:c

    1. JCMVenom


      Im just bored of Garrys Mod now

  9. beginning your summer assignment a few hours before its due is probably unhealthy

    1. liljoeey


      goddamnitjt LOL

    2. StyleeZy


      healthy? mabye unwise.