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Friend of HG
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Friend of HG

Friend of HG (2/10)



  1. GTKung

    TOP!!!! when u gonna start playing sc2 again?


    1. TOP


      I'm on, but in my own clan. I want to play around with the decals.

  2. TOP

    good job son!

  3. TOP


    I know right, I see no one on only bigj. I'm on everyday. I can't see people on no more i think its the patch that mess up my chat.
  4. BigJ

    TOPPPPPP you live

    1. TOP


      hehe. I was looking for the starcraft 2 icon but i just found it! Going to be active soon.

  5. I'll be on over thanksgiving. College exams are close so I don't really have time. After fall semester end, I'll be on.
  6. BigJ

    where have you been at home boi


    1. TOP


      Hey! I been dealing with homework trying to macro and micro my way out of homework haha. How you been?

    2. BigJ


      Lol doing good hope too see me all star terran back in action soon

  7. I play Terran because of Boxer, NaDa, and Flash and all the other great terrans. lol
  8. TOP

    Hg Wins

    Go TOP!!! hehe. Good job team! Good shit Earnest and all the other players.
  9. TOP

    Help Please.

    Hello everyone, can someone help me make one of those picture at the end of each post? Thank you
  10. Thankz for the warm love! haha How do you make those picture at the bottom of your post?
  11. Welcome Pendragon we should play sc2 sometimes.