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Friend of HG
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Friend of HG

Friend of HG (2/10)



  1. Nooo.... You will be missed!
  2. thanks Big J, really helps
  3. Id be down on weekends… probably not weekdays (school)
  4. ENVISION!!! wasup man i havent seen you in like forever!!!!!!!!
  5. Finally u changed Pendragon! Welcome to AiR
  6. Members can only +1 on member apps.

  7. you dont really need a to go on video but like its better if you do. I am also trying to figure out how to stream though so i dont think ill be much help. Gl
  8. i feel so bad!! i was the only one that didnt win a game D: D: should have one though, ill get it next time
  9. Im down for the gold and plat one
  10. Rapidfire

    Hg Vs Wnx

    ah my first clan battle!! so nervous!! hope we win!!
  11. I would be interested but i suggest doing handicaps because its not really fare when a masters or diamond plays vs a silver or gold.. u know? but yeah sounds like a good idea
  12. Im so upset hes done.... He's been my favorite since i started this game and im a protoss!! I hope he comes back soon!!