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Space Rash

HG Veteran
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About Space Rash

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Silver State
  • Interests
    Guns, Gold, n Glory

Computer Specs

  • Operating System
    Windows 7 Ulti 64Bit
  • Headset
    Turtle Beach X-12

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Elite Member (5/10)



  1. To the desert shooting spot we go! Tip: Dont ask a girl to a shooting range for a first date...
  2. Space Rash


    Dual 22g 5 or 6 wraps( Dont remember) on my Tugboat V2 running on my Limitless Smoking and vaping? >.>
  3. Counter Strike Global Offense I will probably go on over 230+ hours..
  4. U did it homie congrats :)

    1. Space Rash

      Space Rash

      Only took me a couple of years :'D

    2. TheAtrocity
  5. You could always get a Glock 23 and buy a conversion barrel to shoot 9mm. I personally have a Glock 19.
  6. Basically what Atrocity makes every time he cades.. Props nailed randomly. Not being able to shoot zombs on the other side of the cade.