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  1. If anyone is wondering why I'm so busy lately, i have school and football until about 7:30 pm then basketball 730 to 9 then HW so only day i get off is sundays so just if anyone is looking for me

    1. BigJ


      will be here!

  2. Hurt my knee bad..............AGAIN

  3. i can definitley help with your PvP BIgJ, and all in's usually get thwarted by 10 spine crawlers plus transfuse
  4. I have won out of my least 25 PvZ's 3 games... thats 3-22, I need some different strategies to learn how to beat zerg all of my other match ups are strong any strategies are appreciated.
  5. 9 – Pylon 13 – Gateway 15 – Assimilator 16 – Pylon 18 – @100% Gateway, start Cybernetics Core 19 – Zealot 22 – Pylon 24 – @100% Cybernetics Core, start Stalker and Warpgate Research 29 – @400 Mins, start Nexus @100 Gas, start Mothership Core and 2nd Assimilator @100 Gas, start Robotics Facility @100 Gas, start Sentry and 2 more Gateways @100% Robotics Facility, start Observer @100% Observer, start 2nd Observer, Robotics Bay, 2 Forges, and 2 more Assimilators @100% Forges, start +1/+1 @100% Robotics Bay, start Extended Thermal Lance and constant Colossus production @100% 1st Colossus, start Twilight Council @100% +1/+1, start +2/+2, and add 3 more Gateways Benchmark: @100% +1/+1 (@10:30ish), you should have around 55 Probes, 1 Sentry, and 2 Colossi That is the build i use in PVT works at a diamond level gl. -Random
  6. He was my favorite Korean killer, I'm starting to think Scarlett is going to take his place.
  7. In my PvP i like to open with a strgate, it stops DT and blink all in. here is the build 9-Pylon (Chronoboost the probes @ 100%) 13-Gateway 15-Double Gas 3 in each 16- pylon you get yoour cybercore once the gateway finishs Once yoour cyber core is at 100% make warp gate and a stargate at the same time Once yoour stargate is completed make an oracle then a void ray mostly get stalkers unless they go archon zealot after this yoou just have to play reactionare, with this i have 71% win rate vs Toss -Random
  8. Welcome to the HG forums!

  9. welcome to HG

  10. -hg- Clan Application Game Division Strategy (LoL / Dota / HoN / SC2) In-Game Name Random Location California How old are you? 16 Which server(s) of ours do you play on? I play on the Americas Server of blizzard? How long have you been playing on our server(s)? havent What is your Steam ID / GUID? guitardingo Why do you want to join HG? I need a community that will help me excel my level of play while helping other lower league allies in the process. All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing. Will you agree with this rule? Yes Who (if anyone) referred you to apply? BigJ Any other information you want to include is welcome PvZ is my main issue i definitley need help with that.