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  1. 1. League name: SergeantSlayer 2. How many games do you play daily?: Around 3-4, but ive been a bit slow latly 3. LoLKing Profile link: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/39164503 4. Preferred role: Top/Ad 5. Current rank: Silver 1 6. If you died and reincarnated, what would you want to be?: Pony 7. Suggestions for team name/tag: I am the most increative person you will ever meet, i have no fucking clue
    1. Lemonade!


      cool , anyone can make a frag clip with bots

    2. delete this account

      delete this account

      I don't see how those are bots bud, but ok

    3. Lemonade!


      lol okay they are that stupid to not kill him

  2. Just kidding. having some issues. Ill be back once i figure it out

  3. I'm giving up with gold, i just went from silver 1 to silver 3 30 lp in a day. Done with ranked till season 4.
  4. Sorry for being a bit rude, that was directed to @Accsick
  5. I'm not, i'm simply asking for a good duo partner, if we succeed i make a friendly donation to the personAlso, i know what MMR is, i'm not that fucking dumb lol
  6. I recently got promoted back to Silver 1, but it turns our almost 85% of League players are Silver 1 and its now almost impossible to escape to Gold V, i was wondering if someone could help me out and get to me to Gold V, in return i will repay you with a 10$ skin/champ or your choice when i get the money when we succeed, help a brotha out Lolking:http://www.lolking.n...ner/na/39164503 LolElophant: http://www.elophant....ner/na/39164503
  7. Its a love hate relationship. Deep down we all hate League a little.
  8. -hg- Clan Application Game Division Strategy (LoL / Dota / HoN / SC2) In-Game Name Sergeant Location Saint Clair, Michigan How old are you? 13 Which server(s) of ours do you play on? None, seeing how i play League. How long have you been playing on our server(s)? I played on CSS Jailbreak for a few hours. What is your Steam ID / GUID? STEAM_0:0:42305490 Why do you want to join HG? I have a few freinds in hg. All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing. Will you agree with this rule? Yes Who (if anyone) referred you to apply? Boxer Any other information you want to include is welcome Nerf Irelia.