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    Meth Maker
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    METH and MATH

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  1. After months in HG, I am leaving, Goodbye peeps, and not so much of a goodbye to others...

  2. Why don't zombies eat clowns............? Cuz they taste funny! Hue Hue Hue

  3. Actually there is no way to pick the best cader because, people who baracade on maps with large amounts of props make better cades, while people who cade on small maps with very little props make ok cades.
  4. Yeah it shouldnt be a problem with the +2 for 300+ points, but ill add a rule where there must be a minimum of 12 zombies at the beginning of the round.
  5. Cade Contest XXDEADXX Congrats on killing the Cade contest guys! Due to the lack of posts, and people complaining about the contest, the contest will be ended immediately. There will be no more contests from now on, Thanks to Unicorn for your post (I will donate 1,000 points to you).
  6. I don't work on weekends, or any other day that ends with a Y.

  7. New name is BLUE-ICEBERG

  8. I was thinking to reduce rage quits and complaints we could offer a redeeming system for people who have lots of points. I was thinking that there should be a offer of 250-1000 points (500 would be ideal) to redeem when killed by a zombie (not humans who spawn as a zombie on the first wave). This would be good for people who die with good weapons and want a chance to find or get them. In a way it would be giving them 4 brains for points. (The system should not be in place in any objective maps "ex. Vertigo").
  9. I don't know what you guys are talking about, this map is good and should be added right away! If you wanna nit pick this map why don't you nit pick maps like reactor and the other maps that should be removed.
  10. True but It would force the humans to actually cade in the first part of the map
  11. Objective reactor is now titled as a "bad map" because the humans usually win and its a point farm for snipers. My idea is to stop the spawn camping aspect of the game. I think that we should put up sort of a shield or a blockage that would prevent zombies from getting killed so easily with a sniper but that would also allow the zombies to take some damage. The shield should be put around half of the upper part of the map where the zombies are usually spawn camped. This would make the map more of an objective rather than a camping/exploitation map. My idea of how the zombie shield should be made: Also after round 2 the roof and top floor of control rooms should break and create holes so no human would be able to camp in that area forcing them to do the objective.
  12. Hey look there's a hobbit! What? No that's a hobo and a rabbit, but they're making a hobbit.

  13. And so I ask you this one question. Have you ever tried simply turning off the TV, sitting down with your children, and hitting them?

  14. Well top zs players make it hard to win since they constantly make new kill records