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Slime Slayer

Friend of HG
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    Somewhere on Earth, i think.

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Advanced Member II

Advanced Member II (4/10)



  1. Happy Birthday! :3

  2. Eyy born on the same day boyo

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arrow


      dude we are all twins holy crap

    3. Slime Slayer

      Slime Slayer

      that means triplets arrow :P

    4. Link3588



  3. Happy Birthday slut!

  4. Assuming you inputted a true date for your birthday, you are the first person i've ever met to share my birthday :D Happy birthday Arrow!

  5. Ayyyy, my number of likes is my age. Sorry I haven't been on at all guys, life got crazy. :C Love and miss you all!

    1. sno


      <3 my mod bud

    2. nielsfalko


      eyy how u doing slime

  6. purpare 2 be beened, juan click juan keel.
  7. My computer crashed and I stood up to fix it and yanked on the cord of my crappy usb logitech headset and the cord totally broke, so now I have to buy a real gaming headset with an actual mic. No more toaster for me, but no headset till I replace it either :/

    1. Jeri :)

      Jeri :)

      If you have money to spend I would recommend corsair

  8. Who is this bing bong person everyone talks about? I've never met her.... She seems aight though, maybe i'll get to know her one day...... Welcome to the forums <3
  9. Does anyone play League of Legends and have Discord? I made a discord channel dedicated to bringing mic chatting League players together. If you wanna join please comment on this status and i'll invite you. :)

    1. sno


      Hmu I'm a dirty Yasuo main

  10. Fun Fact: I've actually met n0thing, a pro CS player on the team Cloud9. I was in a deathmatch server warming up and n0thing connected and just started chatting with people about the major they had recently played in. He was a really chill guy. I'm proud I got to meet him. :D

  11. Happiness is like peeing your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth.

  12. Work those member tags guuuurrrrl!

  13. About to get home from a small vacation. Miss you guys!

  14. Any single HG girls looking for a hot 16 year old caucasian male thats named Slime and is pretty stinkin good at this game? ;)

  15. Finally ungrounded. Good to be back :)

    1. Shadequad


      Welcome back! Ill see you soon

    2. brgr.


      what did you do