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  1. 1. Your in-game name: Ron Jeremy and then Detective John Kimble 2. Server that you were banned on: Surf/DM server 3. The Banning admin: Not sure 4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:1:14600490 5. Reason for ban: I'm assuming it was from playing Arnold Schwarzenegger sounds I'm not really sure how long the ban is, as it wasn't specified when I checked the console.
  2. I understand that I broke the rules, and I will not spam or do anything with the intention of causing fellow players any distress.
  3. Yes, I do admit mic spamming. I can see how it can bother others, but someone else was playing music, so I figured I could play something too (although it was an extremely annoying sound as opposed to music).
  4. In-Game name: Grndslmhttr3.j2 Server: Hide and Seek Server Banning Admin: I believe his/her name was Nosed Reindeer or something along those lines. Time of Ban: Around 4:15-4:20pm on 11/18/08 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:14600490 Reason for Ban: Mic Spamming