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    Noob Training Facility

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  1. The usage of HG tags was made into a rule a while ago. If you claim to have been around for so long, you would've known. Being a smart ass for being asked to change your name is just unnecessary. It's only a 30min ban. Wait it out.
  2. NAME: "Noob" STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:25886040 SERVER: 24/7 Iceworld DM ACCUSED: Walling. PROOF: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/g7/noob.dem NOTES: Not banned atm. Requesting permanent ban.
  3. - General HTML website building/managing skills. - Basic Java coding (no GUI or Graphical stuff yet). - Misc.
  4. I've got the basic HTML, now I just need all the other stuff Monkey listed... >.> That, and time + motivation.
  5. Nope, I don't. Like I said, it was just a note in case he was wanted to be permanent ban again, considering I don't think he was even perma-ed from HG for hacking.
  6. NAME: `Kennedycurse STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:26763470 SERVER: NTF Office NOTES: Just thought I'd make note of his presence since his VACCed account was previously perma ban from HeLLsGamers. Permanent Ban from HG: https://hellsgamers.com/sb/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=STEAM_0:1:19887620&Submit= VAC Ban: http://www.vacbanned.com/ on STEAM_0:1:19887620 Current Steam ID: http://hellsgamers.gameme.com/playerinfo/37022
  7. I skimmed through the 80 minute video when it first came out (or when I first got linked). It seemed pretty cool. Have yet to actually try it though.
  8. 123 wpm. Too lazy to take a screenshot.
  9. Handwritten plans and blueprints on Project H-GTFO (Hells Gamers Takeover For lOlz).
  10. I have no idea wtf is up with my upload and how to fix it.
  11. Technically the "undercover" ability would only apply to the [C], [A], etc tags wouldn't it? As long as the HG tag enforcer doesn't enforce the "power tags", I don't see why admins would need an undercover ability for their original HG tag. Any non-regular person wouldn't be able to tell from a regular HG member with the tag from an admin HG member with the tag either who.
  12. My reason is because I can get it for $20...!
  13. It's amazing to see how long I've been here for...