I found this.
//Cycle through the runes and your hero
//This bind will on the first press view the top rune, on the second press view the bottom rune and on the third press view your hero and then start over. Note that using a different method of camera movement won't reset this cycle.
alias toprunecycle "dota_camera_setpos -2273 1232 982; alias runecycle botrunecycle"
alias botrunecycle "dota_camera_setpos 3035 -2972 966; alias runecycle centerhero"
alias centerhero "+dota_camera_follow; -dota_camera_follow; +dota_camera_follow; -dota_camera_follow; alias runecycle toprunecycle"
alias runecycle toprunecycle
bind <key> runecycle
There are some other pretty neat binds too.