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Friend of HG

Friend of HG (2/10)



  1. Yeah sorry about that I tried making it through the Steam web browser and it wouldn't load so I didn't know if it went through. Won't happen again no worries ^.^
  2. Hey guys just wanted to let everyone know that I am back from having no access to a computer and am able to play with HG again in DOTa. I have been playing with everyone today and seems like the strat division is still doing well getting new people. Not too many that were here when I left though which sucks :\ but glad to be back and playing with everyone again cheers!
  3. I think that weekly events would be great. Even if you only play one game like I do (DoTa 2) you could easily download the other strat games (given they are free) and play those once a week. The strategy you learn there could even be something that you can trasnfer over to DoTa or LoL or whatever it is you find yourself playing more often. I have been away for a couple months and will be back home in a few days and would love to come back to seeing everyone gathered in weekly events regardless of what strat games we play. I think that we have a great strat division and it can only get bigger and better and things like weekly events will attract mroe people that seek the team portion of being part of HG and increase how well we all know each other on a social level just overall leading to more integrated strategy players and more advancement in our own skill and as a gaming community.
  4. Taco Tuesday is past and the week is now bleak

  5. 1. Steam profile: http://steamcommunit...61198103980587/ 2. Current ratings: N/A 3. Rough estimate on total games played - 100 4. Main roles: Hard Hard/Semi-Carry and Semi-Support 5. Are you interested in becoming a competitive player and possibly participating on a tournament team? - Yes.
  6. -hg- Clan Application Game Division Strategy (LoL / Dota / HoN / SC2) In-Game Name Ubergazz Location Hutchinson, Kansas How old are you? 18 Which games (servers) do you play on? DayZ Epoch, DayZ Standalone, Hearthstone, G-Mod and Dota 2 (mainly Dota and DayZ) How long have you been playing on our servers? -- What is your Steam ID / GUID? Ubergazz http://steamcommunit...61198103980587/ Why do you want to join HG? I have tried a few gaming communities but they were all far too uptight. I am mainly looking for a mature group of people to play DoTa 2 and DayZ with (willing to play and learn other games) and this group seemed like the best. I am not the best MOBA player but I am good and definitely willing to learn. All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing. Will you agree with this rule? Yes Who (if anyone) referred you to apply? Reddit post by Boxer Any other information you want to include is welcome Open for any and all games and will download and start a new one (if it is free) and join anyone that wants someone to play with because I know it sucks playing alone. I get on at random times but am on for hours on end when I do get on and am normally up til very early in the morning (Central Standard) but can easily be on for a practice run or IH Tournaments and the like. Thanks for taking the time to read this!