Not sure if I missed this or not. On Akali the Q lasts longer than your cooldown meaning you can proc your Q twice at once. At 6 you can throw it on ppl wait for your Q to come back then ult + auto or E to proc your Q then Q again and proc it.
Pantheon can use his abilities before he completely drops from his ultimate.
This isn't one of the best tips but on cait you can E and Q right after. The Q will go off from where you were standing when you E'd. This is best used when trying to back up but want to poke. Don't use if you need to run FAST. E-Q is slower than just Eing away. (Uses lots of mana, and doesn't work when chasing.)
If you have enough CD on Lulu you can get 2 Q's off before your E disappears.
If you ult in a bush as Nunu, the enemy can't see your ult. Some people won't notice but nowadays most ppl do lol.
I don't feel like explaining it but Rengar can get 3 Q's off using his ult.
You can put Shaco's Q on cd faster if you start recalling. Not sure what use this is but w/e.
If you place it right Trundle's pillar can cancel peoples abilities. Even your teammates. Enjoy.
If you stand in the right place you can hit both nexus turrets with twitch ult. Your autos dont work on the nexus if you ult though. Not sure if that's fixed but you might have to stand very very close to the nexus to auto if your ult is activated.
Taric's passive has no cooldown unlike sheen. He can use it inbetween every ability.
Ziggs can use his abilities after being launched mid air from his satchel charge.
Hope that helps.